Join me and my good friend Jake Hale as we share our experiences of deliverance, exploring its importance and the need for more of it in the body of Christ. We discuss Jake’s powerful personal story of being delivered from demons and how God’s compassion is moving within this ministry. While we touch on the issues that arise when people build their own platforms, our conversation is grounded in our shared belief in the power of God to set people free.

Our conversation further ventures into the significance of prophetic purity in ministry and how to maintain it. Together, we explore the delicate balance between public ministry and private devotion, and how neglecting the latter can lead to disaster. We discuss the importance of staying rooted in our identity in Christ, so that ministry does not become our identity. Jake, an apostolic leader in Pennsylvania, offers valuable insights into the emergence of God’s messengers and the beginnings of revival.

We delve into the potential dangers when the enemy exploits the power of God’s sons and daughters for personal gain, expressing our shared grief when something so holy and intimate is used for malicious purposes. Our conversation serves as a reminder of the need to stay alert to the enemy’s schemes and that God longs to set his people free. Whether you’re called to prophetic ministry or simply seeking a deeper understanding of deliverance, Jake’s insights, grounded in humility and compassion, are sure to inspire. Don’t miss his powerful prayer for deliverance and a deeper revelation of Jesus.

Where to dive in:

(0:00:00) – The Power of Deliverance

Jake and I discussed God’s power to set us free, deliverance in the body of Christ, and potential issues of self-promotion.

(0:09:21) – Maintaining Purity and Humility in Ministry

Jake and I discuss prophetic purity, public/private devotion, blessing/brokenness, and staying hungry for God.

(0:23:10) – The Importance of Compassion and Humility

God’s power, enemy’s schemes, prophetic word, and Spirit’s grief discussed to remain alert and free.

(0:33:09) – Staying Rooted and Trusting the Lord

Jake encourages trust in the Lord, staying rooted in identity in Christ, and revival, for God’s purpose and glory.

About the guest:

Jake Kail is a pastor, author and conference speaker who is passionate about living without shadows in a culture of compromise. Jake and his family live in Lancaster, PA where he serves as lead pastor of Threshold Church.

About the host: 

Tammie Southerland is the host of Burning Messengers and the author of Permission To Bur: Breaking the Chains of Compromise from a Holy Generation. She is also a speaker and prophetic minister. She releases the sound authentic of revival and messages from heaven as she travels. Her lifestyle is one of prayer and digging deep into the Word of God, her desire is to releasing the Heart of The Father in these last days. She moves in power ministry and is known for releasing the Matthew 3:11“baptism of Holy Fire” as she goes. ⁠

Buy Tammie’s Book “Permission to Burn: Breaking the Chains of Compromise from a Holy Generation” here⁠: ⁠


0:00:00 – Tammie Southerland
It’s such an important concept, jake, that we understand, even within our own heart, that we can open the door for the enemy to come in and distract us and turn us away from that place of hunger and that place of longing and that place of brokenness. And for me it’s such an important prayer I guess that I pray on a daily basis that he keep me humble, because it’s walking in that place of anointing and blessing that actually should cause us to realize how much it’s not about us. You know how much of it is his anointing. It’s not about me, it’s not me, it’s him, and I mean I just think that’s such a significant thing. Demonic deliverance. Today I’m going to talk with my good friend, Jake Kail, about his story of being delivered from demons, and he and I are going to get into a conversation about why God is moving in this ministry from the place of compassion. We’re going to talk about why we need to see it more in the body of Christ, but we’re also going to talk about why there’s maybe a problem with it, with people building their own platforms. If you guys need to see deliverance in your church or in your ministry, maybe you need to have deliverance for yourself.

This is a podcast that you want to be a part of. Hey guys, so glad you are back with us for the Burning Messengers podcast. I’m so excited. Today I have a friend of mine with me. His name is Jake Kail. He is a powerful man of God, not just in what he does in ministry, but who he is as a father, who he is as a leader and as a pastor, but, most of all, who he is as a son of God. He is a leader, an apostolic leader in Pennsylvania over his local church, and he’s also has a lot of equipping ministry that he does in the area of deliverance through podcasts and different types of things like that. Jake, thank you so much for being a part of this with us. Thank you for jumping onto this podcast.

0:02:19 – Jake Kail
Yeah, tammy, thanks so much. It’s great to be here. Look forward to this conversation. I’m sure it’s going to be a great conversation, thanks.

0:02:25 – Tammie Southerland
Absolutely Well, jake, tell us a little bit about yourself. I’d like to know. You know just who is Jake Kail? I know, but can you let everybody else know who are you? What’s a little bit of your story? How did you find yourself where you are right now?

0:02:40 – Jake Kail
Yeah, so just a kind of a quick version. I mean, I grew up in a great Christian family hearing about the gospel, hearing about Jesus, but when I was 19 years old really had a true encounter with God. It was a deep work of repentance, encountering God’s love, and I was dramatically set free from the power of sin, different bondages to sin, and it just kind of propelled me into a just a deep walk with the Lord, hungering for him, devouring his word, and just kind of progressed from that over the last 20 years. And, yeah, I’m married to my wife Anna, we have three amazing kids, live in Pennsylvania, and so, yeah, I’m helping to lead a church here as well and do some, some writing, some speaking, some traveling, and so, yeah, I just have a heart for for God, have a heart for the presence of God, know who more to advance this kingdom, and a real passion to see other people set free and just delivered from all types of depression, oppression, bondage, torment, and so, yeah, just a quick, quick snapshot there.

0:03:36 – Tammie Southerland
Yeah, and so deliverance is a real passion of yours, because you personally experience deliverance and and you share about that a lot in your podcast in different areas. Just an understanding of this is a personal thing for you, and so tell us a little bit. Like what were you set free from? What did, what did God do in the area of deliverance for you personally?

0:03:57 – Jake Kail
Yeah, so, so yeah, when I was in middle school, I got exposed to pornography for the first time, just as from a classmate, and it just really planted a seed of sexual immorality and lust, perversion, and so I was drawn into sexual sin. I was also drawn into the party lifestyle drinking alcohol, partying, and you know, this whole time I would have considered myself a believer but was just really not really walking with the Lord. I was very deceived and I was in bondage to sin. And so, yeah, when I was 19, and I had this encounter I mean, it was a deep work of repentance, like I said earlier, but I was also dramatically set free and pornography was broken from my life. It was never a problem, ever again.

Just even the thoughts and all that, all that goes with that, just dramatically set free from that, and then also just the desire to drink and go party and get drunk, just yeah, also anger and anger issues and so, yeah, like so much of that, all that was just broken off of my life in this encounter with God. And so, like you said, I just became really passionate for other people to experience freedom. Because I experienced this freedom, I knew it was so real and I knew that this is for all of God’s people. Like Jesus wants people free, he paid the price for it. So, yeah, it’s definitely a passion of mine.

0:05:12 – Tammie Southerland
Yeah, and the thing about it is I’m like I have a similar story, a little bit different but similar story how God just literally set me free, delivered me particular bondages that I was wrestling with as a religious person for a really long time, but the power of the Holy Spirit came in and like literally set me free, and I think that’s why it says you know, he who’s forgiven much loves much. And there’s such a compassion, there’s such a passion in us to see others set free because we have been set free and it’s such a beautiful thing. And a lot of times I think we think that behavior modification can change everything, but God comes in by the power of the spirit and, out of compassion, sets us free, and so it’s such a powerful story. Guys, just listen to that.

If you’re even on the fence wondering, you know, is this real, Is it? You know the deliverance has been a big conversation lately. Is it real? How is God moving? He shares a lot and I actually just listened to one of his podcasts about the purity behind deliverance and how God is moving in this way. Jake, how does prayer shape your life and what does prayer have to do with moving in the power of God?

0:06:25 – Jake Kail
Yeah, I mean it’s all connected. I mean prayer. I mean early on in my walk with the Lord, God really highlighted to me that I need to become a person of prayer. I need to make that a top priority. I need to learn how to pray, spend time alone with the Lord in the secret place, and that’s the model we see of Jesus.

In Mark, chapter one, we see him doing all this ministry. He’s in a synagogue, he’s casting out a demon, All the people are coming, all the crowds are coming. He’s healing people, he’s casting out demons. But then in verse 35, it says early in the morning, before the sun rose, he goes out to a solitary place, all by himself, and there it says he prayed. And I believe that is a secret to the ministry of Jesus is the secret place, and that’s what he taught us in Matthew 6. He said when you pray, go in your room, shut the door, pray to your father in the secret place. And so that really has just become.

You know, early on in my walk became just the most important thing for me. I personally believe that all true ministry flows out of intimacy with God. All true ministry flows from that place, from the secret place, from that private devotion, that place of personal connection with the Lord. I think that’s what allows that fruit to be produced and for it to be done in a healthy, biblical, compassionate way, because our roots are going deep into God himself and then we’re able to just follow his voice and be led by his spirit. But it comes from that place of relationship and intimacy with the Lord.

0:07:54 – Tammie Southerland
That’s right. And when you teach on deliverance, when you talk about deliverance, when you function deliverance, one thing that you have said is it’s not an end of itself, right, it’s not something that you’re delivered and then that’s all, and you connect that with the lifestyle of prayer. Can you talk a little bit more about that process of connecting prayer with deliverance? And you know why? Is it not just the demon leaves and we’re good?

0:08:24 – Jake Kail
Yeah, because you know deliverance you know, like you said, they’re like it’s not meant to be an end in and of itself. In other words, it’s meant to propel us into more of God. So it’s not just about getting rid of oppression or torment, as great as that is. I mean, yes, that’s a key component, because if those things are there, if there’s demonic influence in our life, then we can’t seem to move forward, we can’t seem to break free, we can’t seem to grow in our walk with the Lord. But it’s not just about getting free. It’s once we are free, now we’re free to know God more, Now we’re free to grow in holiness, Now we’re free to step into our purpose or walk in our giftings. And so I think it’s really key for deliverance to be connected to discipleship, spiritual growth, prayer and just really. If we keep the relationship with the Lord central and the main focus, I think that’s going to really solve a lot of problems foundationally and that’s going to keep us on a good track in this whole area.

0:09:21 – Tammie Southerland
Absolutely. Do you think that in our current state, our up and coming emerging voices and even our age group of ministers, do you think we have a current state where we are maybe teetering a little bit off on the wrong side, is God trying to bring us back into a place of purity? What does that look like for us right now?

0:09:44 – Jake Kail
Yeah, I mean, I think there’s always the opportunity for corruption to come in to any kind of area of ministry. So, whether it’s deliverance, whether it’s the prophetic or other areas, we have to always make sure we are recalibrating to the heart of God and we are just keeping our roots deep into him. And so, yeah, I do think that sometimes different things might creep in to different areas of ministry, including deliverance, where sometimes it becomes more of a spectacle, or sometimes we make it about us as the minister. Right, I always say deliverance is a ministry of compassion for the oppressed. It’s not meant to be about me as a minister. It’s not meant to be about the demons.

Although we have to address and cast out the demons, we shouldn’t be demon centered with deliverance. We should be Christ centered with deliverance and we should be compassionate towards the people. So, yeah, sometimes I get, you know, concerned that maybe we could veer off a little bit and they can become more of a spectacle, more about the one ministering. And so, yeah, I just have a heart to see a pure expression, that we keep it biblical. We don’t have to deviate into all kinds of other things that are outside of scripture. We can just keep it with the scripture. We can keep it compassionate, we can keep it centered on Jesus, focused on him, pointing people to him, and I think that’s going to help to see yeah, keep us where we need to be.

0:11:01 – Tammie Southerland
Yeah, so you talk a little bit about prophetic purity in ministry too. So we’re talking about different power manifestations. We’re also talking about the gifts of the spirit, and you and I have something in common that’s very strong and common it’s prayer and purity, those two words in when we’re talking about. You know, this is the burning messengers podcast. We’re talking about equipping messengers. How can we stay in the place where we’re tender before the Lord and we have prophetic purity and we have purity in our as we move in the power of God? How can we keep ourself in that place and not find ourselves like those whom he said he never knew, you know, even though they moved in the power gifts or they moved in the five full gifts?

0:11:48 – Jake Kail
Yes, that’s a great question. It’s a very important question. I think there’s some simple I mean there’s not necessarily a formula, but I think there’s some keys and I think that if we will prioritize the secret place, I think that’s going to be a huge, huge key. So it goes back to what I said earlier. You know, jesus had a balance of public ministry and private devotion and he balanced that out. We see that in Luke five, I think it’s verse 15 and 16. It says all the crowds were coming to hear him teach to be healed of their diseases, and it says so he often withdrew from the crowds to pray.

He made it a regular practice, and I think what can happen sometimes is is if we are growing in ministry, we’re growing in our calling, and especially in this area of supernatural ministry, whenever we’re moving in the power of God, it’s going to attract the attention of people, and so it can be dangerous if we have an expanding public influence but we have a shrinking private devotion. That is a recipe for disaster. That’s gonna. That’s gonna veer us off track. And so if we have to fight to keep the secret place, the number one thing, that’s gonna go a long way in keeping us on track If we will fight to keep the secret place as the main, as that main thing. I think that’s a huge part of maintaining an atmosphere of purity, an expression of purity in all these areas of ministry. I think that’s so, so key. I mean, there’s obviously other areas. Something that the Lord was really showing me earlier is that we have to see a marriage between blessing and brokenness.

Those two are actually supposed to go together. And I saw this in Mark, chapter six, when Jesus was feeding the 5,000, it says he took the bread, he blessed it and he broke it. And for me that blessing represents God’s anointing, god’s empowerment, and that brokenness, to me, speaks of humility, speaks of compassion, speaks of dependence on the Lord. And if we walk in the blessing of God but we resist that process of brokenness, then that could get us on the wrong track as well, because we’re operating in power and God can give genuine gifts and we could walk in those gifts. But then what do we do with that? Will we yield to this process of allowing that humility, that dependence on him and just really keeping the focus on Jesus, really just keeping it on him and being intentional to humble ourselves and to point people to the Lord? But yeah, just marrying those two blessing and brokenness being married together, I think is just such an essential thing right now.

0:14:21 – Tammie Southerland
Wow, that’s so powerful Blessing and brokenness. And it says that blessed are the broken, for theirs is the kingdom. And everywhere you see the move of God in Scripture, everywhere you see the move of power in the New Testament it says the kingdom of heaven has come near, or the kingdom of heaven is here, or the kingdom of God is here, and so it’s blessed are the broken. That it’s that humility that actually makes way for the power of the kingdom to come and be manifest. And it’s such an important concept, jake, that we understand, even within our own heart, that we can open the door for the enemy to come in and distract us and turn us away from that place of hunger and that place of longing and that place of brokenness. And for me it’s such an important prayer, I guess, that I pray on a daily basis that he keep me humble, because it’s walking in that place of anointing and blessing. That actually should cause us to realize how much it’s not about us, how much of it it is his anointing. It’s not about me, it’s not me, it’s him, and I mean I just think that’s such a significant thing.

So we talk a lot. You have the Taurus Bearers podcast, this is the Burning Messengers podcast. We’re talking about equipping, we’re talking about raising up messengers at the end of the age, and we’re talking about this blessing and this anointing. We’re also talking about humility. How can we give those that maybe are coming up right now some real personal keys to keep humility at the forefront? How can they know if they’re beginning to turn towards a place where it is becoming a prideful gift or moving maybe in the wrong spirit?

0:16:28 – Jake Kail
Yeah, yeah, great question. Yeah, I’m just reminded of the Apostle Paul. It’s in 1 Corinthians 2, he said that when he came he wanted to know nothing but Jesus and him crucified. Christ and him crucified. And then, right after that, he said his message and his preaching was not with wise and persuasive words but with a demonstration of the power of God, the Holy Spirit and power. So again, I see a marriage between that brokenness, the cross, and then the power of God. And really Christ is the example. Just meditating on the cross, meditating on who Jesus is. It says in Philippians he lowered himself, he humbled himself first of all, just to come to this earth. God himself took on flesh, but then he also lowered himself to become a servant. And then he took it further and became obedient to death and this horrible, horrific, humiliating death on the cross. And so I think, just if we can maintain that attitude, like Paul said, man, I need to know Jesus, I need to know Jesus and him crucified, and I think that’s going to help us.

And then you know, how do we respond to other people’s praise? How do we respond to other people? It’s great to be encouraged, it’s great to receive compliments right, that’s nothing wrong with that? But how do we respond when you know people praise us because God works through us, or people look to us a certain way because God’s moving, do we feed on that or do we release that to the Lord, right? So you know, if somebody you know, because when God moves through you, people are going to be drawn, people are going to be drawn, people are going to look up to you.

Humans have a tendency to place others on a pedestal and we have to make the choice not to allow ourselves to receive worship, right, and that’s what we see the apostles doing. They tried to worship Paul and he said no, no, no, no, I’m just a person just like you, right, and so. So how do we respond when, when people are praising us, like, do we, do we allow that to feed our ego? Or do we just say, you know, thanks for the compliment? And then we just get to the Lord and we just, you know, we get in that secret place and we say God, it’s all you Like, apart from you, I can do nothing. And we recognize that it’s all because of his grace. We are dependent on him. If we’re walking in gifts, it’s because God gave it to us. If God’s using us, it’s because of his grace and just keeping that mindset. We have to continually remind ourselves of that.

And if we find ourselves starting to feed off of those things in a wrong way, then that’s time to just recalibrate. You know, do some fasting, just coming to God’s presence, and you know, fasting is one of the ways we humble ourselves. The Bible says Right. So, as you know, in Psalms it says I humbled myself with fasting. So, just, you know, finding those disciplines and those ways to maintain that healthy posture.

And then I think another key is having people around us that know us like just in everyday life, that don’t just know us when we’re on a platform preaching or ministering, but you know, like my wife and my kids, or you know my, you know the outer team where I serve, at right, people that I walk with on a daily basis, right, they just they see us for who we are, as real people, and just you know, allowing them to speak into our lives and just, yeah, just not not neglecting just that, that everyday life of just what it means to be a person that has, you know, just flesh, just like everybody else. Yeah, and yeah, not allowing ourselves to get elevated. It’s really key.

0:20:00 – Tammie Southerland
Yeah, it’s funny. I’m thinking about a mutual friend of ours, jeremiah Johnson. He always says you need to keep people around you that aren’t impressed with you. And he and I just back and forth and I’m like I’m that person, you know, in your life. I’m not impressed, but it is so true, you really do. You need to keep people in your life that aren’t necessarily impressed with you, but they are. You know, they see you, they see you day in and day out.

And Bill Johnson said it this way too, about receiving praise. He said that very often, you know, after you preach, after you minister, after God moves through you, people are like, oh, that was so good. And he said Bill said don’t say oh, it was, it was not me, it was God, but say thank you and then when you get into the secret place, go before the Lord and say I believe this belongs to you. You hand that honor right back to the Lord, and so I think that’s a good balance there. It’s like we’re not a worm but we, and we are, you know, his sons and daughters, but man. It’s him moving through us and there’s nothing like fasting and being around. You know people day in and day out that aren’t impressed with you. That’ll remind you. You know how much you do need the grace of God.

0:21:11 – Jake Kail
Amen. Yep, that’s very good, I love that. What you said about Bill Johnson Yep, I think it’s a great, great model, a great way to do that.

0:21:17 – Tammie Southerland
It is. I’ve, you know, personally adopted that for myself, but and I found the pleasure of the Lord comes over me with that as well you know something else I would like to know what are your thoughts on seeing deliverance more predominant in the church? Do you think there’s a lack of deliverance in the church? What are your thoughts on that?

0:21:45 – Jake Kail
Yeah, I mean it’s been interesting because you know I’ve been ministering deliverance for just about 18 years and you know the first 10 years was mainly in personal settings, praying for people individually, but then the last seven, eight years it’s been now more out in the open, in groups and churches and conferences, traveling, doing equipping, and so I mean I’ve been just really, you know, contending to see deliverance restored to the church because it’s such a key area of ministry.

I mean, it’s often a missing link in people’s journey of freedom, of healing, of sanctification and so. But as I see deliverance now becoming more and more out to the forefront, I think I have two responses. One is excited, like I’m excited because I just like I said, it’s such a key ministry and so I’m excited to see it getting more prominence, more attention and more churches are embracing it, more believers are becoming open to it. So that’s kind of one hand I feel, you know, excited about it. On the other hand, I feel a little bit nervous because it’s like once something becomes more and more out in the open and more prominent, almost like it becomes more popular, and then that leaves more room sometimes for some of that corruption to get in there, and so I kind of I’m kind of walking in that type of a balance where it’s like, yes, it’s awesome to see it getting out there, but I’m like just really, you know, hopeful that we can see it done in a pure and healthy way.

0:23:05 – Tammie Southerland
Yeah, and I feel the same way. And here’s the thing I think that compassion element, that humility element is what is so important in this conversation, and I was actually thinking about this earlier. Jake, your story, my story you’ve been moving, you know, in this for many years and a lot of people don’t really know who Jake Kale is, and that’s okay, they don’t really know. Jake Kale’s been doing deliverance ministry for 18 years and then, all of a sudden, you see, you know this become more out front, you become just, you see it become more popular and then it becomes, you know, an opportunity I guess for the lack of a better word to build a platform.

And earlier, you know, I was thinking about this, praying about this. Isn’t that interesting how that happens, how the enemy will even use something that kicks him out of commission to bring pride and arrogance into play in order to stop the power of God from moving through his sons and daughters. I just, I think that’s that’s just so shocking. But those of us that have been just walking with him for many years and just enjoying the fact that he likes to deliver his people or sit back and watching this, and we have mixed emotions about it.

0:24:28 – Jake Kail
Yeah, yeah, that’s a very interesting way to put it. Yeah, and hadn’t quite considered it the way you said it. Like that, tammy, it’s a very, yeah, very interesting way to put it. I think that definitely rings true and yeah, it is that.

It is that compassion element and I know like, for for me, very often when I minister deliverance to people, I mean I’m literally weeping.

There’s literally a weeping because it’s the love of God that just is coming through.

And when you hear people’s stories, you hear about some of the trauma that people have gone through, where people are confessing sins to you that they’ve never told another person, and it’s very vulnerable and it’s very just sometimes heart wrenching when you hear some of the abuse and some of the trauma, and it’s just the love of God is so there. I mean the Bible says that God is near to the broken hearted. He’s near to the broken hearted and so when these, when, when, when some are coming to you in that condition of that brokenness, that broken Hardiness, that trauma they’ve gone through, god comes near, and when his presence comes near, it’s like, yeah, there’s very often it’s I can’t help but just be weeping with under the compassion of the Lord, and so, then, to think that’s something like that, that is so intimate and beautiful and holy, I can, could be exploited, you know, could be exploited for personal gain, for Influence, for money, for popularity. It’s just, it’s. It’s very heartbreaking. I think it’s grieving. It’s grieving to the Lord.

0:25:58 – Tammie Southerland
Yeah, even as you’re speaking, like I’m literally feeling the grieving of the spirit, I literally feel a groan welling up in me, tears coming, because I do believe it’s.

It’s such an important topic to his heart right now that we remember that that he hates to see his sons and daughters in bondage, he hates to see the captive captive and In this movement, even what we’ve asked him to move in signs and wonders, we’ve asked him to move in deliverance, that we have to remember that we, we have an enemy that would love To capitalize on the very thing that he wants to bring forth and I believe, is, you know, the birth pangs of revival, is the birth pangs of you know, the answer to our cries for him to come and release justice in the earth.

Because you know, I don’t know about you, but I can walk into a room and I can feel the bondage on people and it literally breaks my heart, it makes me weak. There’s, like I’ve said this before, in just in a room, before you know, I want to speak at a place that I hate seeing people in bondage, whether it’s a religious spirit or it’s. You know, it’s trauma from their past and that’s the, that’s the compassion of the Lord, and so I even feel like right now, god is actually releasing a warning to us that I’m moving with power. But be alert and be aware, because you do have an enemy that that would love To to you know. Take you down with him right now.

0:27:38 – Jake Kail
I agree hundred percent. Yep, it’s right on.

0:27:40 – Tammie Southerland
Yeah, because this is longing to see the captain of set free. I mean, oh, I don’t even have, I can’t even, I can’t even explain that to the way, to the level that I feel it. But Anyway, so if you are able to really speak into the lives of those whom God is raising up right now, just Even prophetically, because that’s really a lot of our desire with this podcast, is to tell the messengers, the emerging messengers, the current messengers of the Lord, whether they’re in the church or they’re in the, you know, in the marketplace. We want to express to them that they don’t have to burn alone, in that they, you know, there’s a place for them to grow. I just wanted you to take like five to ten minutes, jake, and just really speak directly into those that are listening.

0:28:29 – Jake Kail
Yeah, yeah, what an honor. And you know you’re right, god is God’s raising up voices, god’s raising up messengers and you know, I just I want to encourage when we all have a process. Every calling has a process to it. And you know John the Baptist.

He was in the wilderness Until the day of his manifestation, it says in Luke 180. He had a process, he had a time of waiting, he had a time of just being completely unknown and God used that time. Joseph had his time Right. He was sold into slavery, he was betrayed, he was imprisoned. After, after obeying God, he ended up in prison. Right all these years go by David, he had his calling, he received the prophetic word from Samuel. He even goes and takes out Goliath and he goes into this incredibly challenging trial with King Saul being chased out, being hunted down, solving paranoid about him.

And so with every Calling, there is a process, there is a process, and Sometimes, when you’re in the middle of that process, you, you think it’s never gonna end. You think I’m always gonna be in this wilderness, I’m always gonna be in this season, because that’s all you can see. You can’t see any way to the fulfillment of that calling. And so my encouragement is yield yourselves to God, trust God with your own journey, with your own process. It’s not a formula. There’s no exact same way, but there’s patterns. We see this pattern in scripture God gives a calling, then there’s a time of preparation, then there is a release, a commissioning, and so I think there are many emerging messengers right now in that place of training, of preparation, of Preparing of wilderness, of testing, and God uses that. God uses that to refine us, god uses that to equip us, god uses that to bring that place of humility and brokenness. So don’t despise that season.

If you’re in that season, if you’re one of those ones that might be in that season where it just doesn’t seem like there’s any way you can even get to that end of your calling, that fulfillment of your Calling, that’s Joseph being in prison. How could he ever be elevated to a place of authority like he had seen in his dream so many years ago? It seemed very impossible. But when the time is right, when God says it’s time, there is a change of seasons and then Joseph gets elevated to that place. But now he’s ready to carry that weight. I mean, imagine being placed in that type of a prominent position. You are second in command to Pharaoh. You’re making decisions. You’re I mean, you’re pretty much calling the shots.

That that’s a weighty type Position and some of the callings that that, that you have those who are watching this and listening to this. Some of your callings are very weighty callings and we’re called to carry the word of God. We’re called to be prophetic messengers or called to speak his word. I mean, think about the prophets in the Old Testament. It said that they were to stand in the counsel of God, that they were to be sent by God, they were to speak the word of God. These are weighty, weighty roles and responsibilities.

And so if you’re in that season where you just feel like things just aren’t happening and there’s trials, there’s betrayals, there’s confusion, I just want to release peace over you, grace over you, encouragement to you, and use this season to continue to cultivate the intimacy with the Lord. Use that season to cultivate the secret place. Use that season to let your roots go deeper and deeper into him. Because once the season shifts and then there begins to be more fruitfulness, there begins to be more activity, there begins to be more fulfillment and open doors, you’re bringing the step in your gifting if you haven’t cultivated that deep place of intimacy, those roots then aren’t going to be deep enough to sustain that fruitfulness. And that’s, you know, that leads to some of the stuff we talked about earlier, or some of the corruption, can come in and we can get off track. But if you’ll use that season of preparation to just let your heart be tenderized before God, let the roots go deep into him, deepen his word, deep in the secret place, deep in prayer, then when God begins to move and send you out, then you have that root system to sustain you, to strengthen you, to stabilize you.

And and then I think God’s also teaching us to find our identity first and foremost as sons and daughters. Yeah, that’s part of what this wilderness is about, this part of what the training is about, part of what the preparation is about. He wants our identity to be rooted first and foremost as a for me, a son right, for you, tammy, a daughter Right. So God wants that to be the foundation of our identity. Yeah, because that’s the only, that’s the only place of deep security and stability in him. That’s where Jesus was rooted, even before he was sent out to minister. He was baptized by John the Baptist and the father spoke. This is my son, whom I love. With him I’m well pleased. That was before he cast out a demon I that was before he preached his first sermon. That was before he healed the sick.

God wants us to stay in that place so that ministry does not become an idol. Ministry does not become what we need to fulfill our lives. And yes, there’s a reality of calling, yes, there’s a reality of gifting. That’s all real. That’s not the foundation of our identity and that’s part of what God’s wanting to build into us. Those messengers that are being prepared right now, those burning ones, those torchbearers God is training us so that we are rooted in our identity in Christ, so that ministry does not become our identity. That’s going to go such a long way into keeping us pure, on the right track, rooted in God, for the long run.

We want longevity. We don’t just want to be a flash in the pan and come on the scene and just burst and then all of a sudden we get pulled away. God’s after longevity, endurance, long-term fruit, lasting fruit, eternal fruit. And so trust the Lord in your own process, wherever you’re at in that journey. Trust the Lord in that process. Just continue to yield yourself to him, keep saying yes to him every day, keep saying yes to him, yes to the calling, yes to obedience, walk in his grace, and you’ll be amazed at how God will continue to unfold and just connect and make things, just make a way for what he’s doing through you, because it’s really all about what he’s doing and what his calling is.

So, yeah, I think we’re in an incredible time in the body of Christ. Like you said, we’re seeing birth, pangs of revival. We’re seeing just beginnings of decades of prayer that have been prayed. Just for all these years of crying out, I believe God’s just beginning to show us the first signs of answer to that. We’re seeing a lot of changing of the guard, because we’re seeing those who have been generals, those who have been leading, just coming to. Maybe they’ve passed away or they’re getting older, they’re passing the baton. So it really is a very key time in the body of Christ at large, and so I would not be surprised at all over this next five years, 10 years, to see an emergence of many of these messengers that, just like John the Baptist, have been in the wilderness. Nobody knows who they are, but God knows who they are and God will bring them on the scene at the right time, at the right time in the right place, and it’s all for His purpose, all for His kingdom, all for His glory.

0:35:48 – Tammie Southerland
Amen, Amen. And I just want to say this as he was speaking, my heart was stirred. I believe there’s somebody that’s watching maybe a few of you and you’ve actually felt a lot of pressure. You’ve been trying to figure out. You know you’re emerging or how do you fit or where’s your voice and I feel like the Lord really wants you to know that the pressure is off, that the calling is to be a son, a daughter. This is who you are and then he’s been deepening those roots for you and solidifying for you your identity as a son and a daughter, not so you can get into ministry well, but so that you will know how to walk eternally in who you are.

And so the pressure right now to perform, or the pressure to be in a position, is off of you completely. It’s not a punishment. You’ve not been put on the shelf. It’s actually because he loves you so deeply that he wants you to know that your eternal identity is His Son, His daughter, and I just wanted to release that. Right now. It’s feeling that burning in my heart. Jake, can you pray, just as we close out, for those that are watching?

0:37:01 – Jake Kail
Absolutely yeah, but love to yeah. Father, I thank you so much for every person watching this right now. God, wherever they’re at in their journey, god, I pray, I pray your Holy Spirit would come upon them in a tangible way even right now. Let the power of the Holy Spirit come upon them. Let your love fill their hearts. God, I pray for those that need deliverance.

I pray for that same anointing of Isaiah 61, lord, that would heal the broken heart and set the captive free. In the name of Jesus, god, would you come and minister even freedom. But right now, in the name of Jesus, I break the power, that spirit of heaviness. I command every spirit of heaviness and oppression to come out, to lift off every spirit of fear to leave the people now, in Jesus’ name, every spirit of infirmity I command to go. In Jesus’ name and God, I pray a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit. Let your Holy Spirit, god, come upon each one in a fresh way. Give us a deeper revelation of Jesus. Empower us, god, to carry your heart, your love, your fire. God, make us messengers of fire, god, those burning ones. I pray your grace, I pray your blessing, your hand upon each one right now, father, in Jesus’ name, amen.

0:38:11 – Tammie Southerland
Amen. Thank you so much, jake Guys, jake has abundance of resources. He’s got a podcast called Torchbearers. He has multiple books that he’s written on the ministry of deliverance and different things. I believe, jake, you have a book, new book you’re releasing right now also, am I right?

0:38:29 – Jake Kail
Yes, I’m working on it right now. It’s planning to be released over the summer. It’s a book on the secret place called Living from the Secret Place. But yeah, all my stuff is on my website. All my books and resources are on my website.

0:38:40 – Tammie Southerland
Amen. So that’s Jake We’re going to have all of that information for you in the description. Follow him, get your hands on some of these resources and man, he’s a wealth of information and he’s as pure hearted as it gets. Y’all know that is so important to me to bring you burning messengers who have a pure heart and they’re actually walking out and living the message that they preach. So thank you so much, jake, for joining us. Thank you, guys, for being with us again this week. Remember you don’t have to burn alone. Be sure to share this out and, you know, let other people benefit from knowing that they don’t have to burn alone. They don’t have to be burning ones that are sitting somewhere in isolation. We love you, guys. Thank you so much again for being with us this week.

0:39:29 –
Thank you for listening to this episode of Burning Messengers. You don’t want to miss what’s coming next week. So if you haven’t subscribed, please do so wherever you listen to podcasts. And if this word touched your heart, please rate and review the show on Apple Podcasts. To connect with Tammy, follow her on social media or visit frontlinefireorg. You don’t have to burn alone.

In this enlightening conversation, we tackle the weighty topic of Jesus as the faithful witness. Listen in as we examine why Jesus gave us life and held steadfast to his testimony until his death. We explore the profound meaning behind Revelation 5 and the significance of Jesus’ return imprinted in our DNA. With a rising number of pastors and leaders standing up and teaching the scriptures, we discuss how this prepares an entire generation for his second coming. As someone who has been preaching this message for almost 20 years, I share my personal journey and insights on how to respond to this message.

In the second part of our discussion, we delve into what it means to be an apostolic witness, taking into account the groaning of creation and our own groaning as sons and daughters of God. We contemplate the end time groaning and the urgent messages that have been sent out, emphasizing the need to focus on the intensity of what is happening around us, rather than the time. We also consider the danger of not finishing well and the grace of God that is available to us, encouraging listeners to fix their eyes on what is unseen and follow John the Baptist’s example as a true witness.

Lastly, we shift our focus to understanding our identity as beloved disciples of Jesus. We discuss the importance of transitioning from identifying ourselves by what we can do to realizing we are loved by Jesus. We explore the role of faith and the transformative power of prayer, love for Jesus, and his word. The conversation concludes with an inspiring discussion on rising above accusations, lies, and intimidation, walking in the power of resurrection, and transforming lives. This episode is a powerful testament to the hope that is in us, inspiring listeners to defend their faith and keep a good conscience.

About the host: 

Tammie Southerland is the host of Burning Messengers and the author of Permission To Bur: Breaking the Chains of Compromise from a Holy Generation. She is also a speaker and prophetic minister. She releases the sound authentic of revival and messages from heaven as she travels. Her lifestyle is one of prayer and digging deep into the Word of God, her desire is to releasing the Heart of The Father in these last days. She moves in power ministry and is known for releasing the Matthew 3:11“baptism of Holy Fire” as she goes. ⁠

Buy Tammie’s Book “Permission to Burn: Breaking the Chains of Compromise from a Holy Generation” here⁠: ⁠


0:00:00 – Tammie Southerland
You see, Jesus is called the faithful witness. That’s who he is. In Revelation 1 1. Do you know why he’s the faithful witness? Because he gave us life. You see, the true and faithful witness Will hold to that testimony until they become the testimony. And you see, this is something that we don’t, really we don’t look at this. But in Revelation 5, see, jesus is the faithful witness. He’s faithful and true, right he. He took the testimony all the way to his death. So I want you to know just a little bit the way that I flow and you guys back there, they’ll they have some notes, but hang with me because I really listened to what he said and I followed his lead.

Whenever I minister and have something prepared, but even as we’re worshiping, like I’m listening and I’m saying what are you saying, what are you doing? And it’s always like there’s people online, there’s people in the room, the word always begin to show me like, what do you want to say to the specific people? And I Love that. Over the past few, what month Jeff’s been, you know, preaching and teaching on the end of the age, and that’s a message that we don’t hear a lot. And here’s the crazy, amazing thing this is the message that God has actually burnt into my DNA long before you know, people started talking about it. I took a lot of flat for preaching on the message that would prepare people to stand firm and the day that Jesus would return. And and Over the years, like I, sometimes I got kind of hidden in the cave and I’m like, okay, I must stop preaching that so loud. And then sometimes I’m just like I’m gonna hit it hard. And, and recently I have noticed that more and more pastors and leaders and speakers are Stepping up to the plate and they’re not just saying, hey, jesus is coming, they’re actually teaching the scriptures to prepare an entire generation For the return of the Lord in such a way that people’s hearts are actually coming alive and they’re grabbing a hold of this word.

And for somebody like me that’s been they’ve been saying Jesus is coming, jesus is coming. You know, for close to 20 years I mean honestly, since I was a little kid, I was just been intrigued by the end of the age, by, intrigued by the book of Revelation and Daniel and Ezekiel. You know, I’m like talking about like six, seven, eight years old. Okay, and I’m seeing now like Lord, you really are bringing something into alignment, because people are actually their ears are open. I don’t know if you guys realize that people’s ears haven’t been open. People’s ears have really largely been shut. They’ve they’ve a largely been like the, the, you know the naysayers that would say, you know, like in the days of no, it’s never rained before. And people are certainly like, wait a minute, maybe it’s gonna rain, and so that’s very, very exciting for me. I’m gonna pray and then we’re gonna talk about.

We’re gonna talk about how do we respond? How do we respond to all of this? This teaching of Jesus is coming. Who are we in the scope of that thing like? Do we have a message, do we have a part to play? And and how do we do that? How do we walk it out?

So, father, I just thank you for the opportunity to be able to be your mouthpiece, to be your messenger tonight. God, I’m asking you that you would mark us as a body, as a spiritual family, that you would make us messengers. Lord, I’m asking you tonight that you would open my mouth and that you would speak and then I would just get out of the way, because you truly are worthy. You truly are worthy of Of the truth, going forth with power. You truly are worthy of an entire generation of people who would be marked with fire and Prepared to be messengers at the end of the age. Jesus, you’re worthy of the demonstration of the gospel. Jesus, you’re worthy of deliverance. You’re worthy of healing. You’re worthy of us understanding. Jesus, speak, speak and open our hearts Tonight, in this room and on the live stream, wherever we are, in Jesus name. So I titled this message the call of an apostolic witness, and I’m gonna explain that in just a minute.

We’ve talked about five-fold ministry, right, and we have talked about the, the Lord’s return, and in, what the events look like as they unfold at the end of the age, and a lot of people are just like you know, okay, that was a lot to swallow, right. But how does that play out for us personally? How does what does that look like whenever we’re looking at the, at winder, and we’re looking at Drug addiction, we’re looking at abuse, we’re looking at a spirit of poverty, you know? And what does that look like in our, in our, in our state? What is it like in our nation? And what does it look like in the nations of the earth?

Well, god is raising up apostolic witnesses At the end of the age. And so what that? What? Let’s, let’s just take that very simply. What that means is just there’s different ways to talk about the five-fold ministry and to talk about the apostle, the gift of the apostle. But this word, up the apostolic, this word actually means Someone sent or commissioned, that is, a sent one, and it’s it’s a word that kind of encompasses being a messenger, it encompasses being on a mission, and Then the word witness, translated in the Greek, actually translates as the word martyr. Did you know that?

And so we’re taking these two words, apostolic witness, and we’re putting them in the light of the end of the age. And when, then, we’re looking at everything that’s going on around us, right, the, we’re looking at what is truly the birth pains of the entire earth. That earth is groaning. Did you know that? It says that in the book of Romans, chapter 8, that all of creation groans. And so there’s this, this imagery of a woman in labor, and it’s saying that creation itself is like a woman in labor. It’s panting and crying out and groaning, and we’re gonna look at this more closely for the sons of God. Well, here’s the second part of that the sons and daughters of God, we’re actually groaning.

We have an inward witness. Do we know who? The inward witness is? The Holy Spirit. So the inward witness of the Holy Spirit within us is causing us to groan, us to pant us, to cry out for the son of God. And so you have, almost like, the symphony that’s taking place at the end of the age has been taking place of actually all throughout creation, ever since Adam and Eve made the decision to take of the fruit of the tree and they fell, creation started groaning, man started groaning, it started longing for justice, it started longing to be set free from its captivity.

And so, in the scope of things, this is what we’re dealing with, and as it gets closer and closer, I know that whenever I went into labor, specifically with one of my kids, I was like I had been back and forth to the birth center. We had all these false alarms. And whenever I was in labor with my youngest one, I was like I will not go back, I will not tell Damon, we’re not going to say anything until I know that. I know that, I know that I’m going to have this baby, because I don’t want to look like a fool again and see. The truth is, that’s kind of the place we are in as believers, as the body of Christ Like there’s this end time groaning.

The contractions are getting close together, but there’s been a lot of messengers that have gone forth and said he’s coming, and so there’s trepidation, there’s concern, there’s fear that, like, are we going to miss it? Is it okay to really be preaching this right now? Well, whenever I went into labor with Adley, I was literally laying on the couch and I was looking, I was timing the contractions. I told Damon to go to bed and the contractions were. They weren’t exactly like the two minute mark. You know, you know the textbook pregnancy is going to be like every two minutes, right, and then every minute. Well, that’s not what was happening. But they were getting more intense and it was so intense and so painful that I was actually on the floor and the Spirit of the Lord I had a timer set up on my computer where I was timing the contractions the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and he said don’t look at the time, look at the intensity. And when the Lord said that to me, I was like oh. And then I was like okay, I think I should go, wake Damon up now.

And the long story short. We had to drive 45 minutes to the birth center and by the time we got there, 30 minutes later, I had a baby in my arms. We, if the Lord wouldn’t have spoken that to me, I probably would have had a baby in the house or in the car, and the way Damon was driving I was afraid I was going to have a baby in the car. But that’s where we are. These birth pains are getting stronger and the witnesses, the messengers, are getting sent, and so there’s this groaning on the inside of us, this bearing witness with what all of creation’s saying, and it’s time for us to come out of the cave. It’s time for us to go, come out of hiding and begin to understand that things are getting more intense, and we don’t know the day or the hour and we don’t know the timing, but we’ve got to listen to the intensity, we’ve got to pay attention because we’re being set to watch. So first I just really like I just quoted this scripture.

But Romans 826 talks about the groan. It talks about the wordless prayers with a Holy Spirit praised through us. Groanings that can’t be uttered, right Words that can’t be uttered. So I want to look at that first, and then we’re going to jump into some of the stuff on the notes. I promise I’m going to get to the notes guys a little bit. I won’t promise I get all of them.

And so I’ve been stuck in Romans 8. Oh my gosh, for like years, okay, you can’t, you can’t eat the word slow enough sometimes. I want to say that you don’t have to like, you don’t have to consume the word at record rate. You can chew on it, you can, you can ask him for revelation on it. And so he’s been unfolding this Romans 8 to me, this groan to me, probably for four to five years.

I was struck with this, this groan, this awakening, when I was in Israel several years ago and I said, lord, I want to understand what is that, what is this unspoken, what is this wordlessness? And so this is the first part of it. It’s the first part of becoming a witness. It’s the, it’s the witness of his spirit inside of you that says yes. It’s the groaning, it’s the longing inside of you that causes your heart to line up with the spirit. And where it says in Revelation 22, 17, the spirit and the bride say come. So there’s this divine alignment that starts taking place.

So if you look specifically at Romans 8 26, it says in the same way the spirit also helps our weakness, for we do not know how to pray as we should, but he himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. It says he who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the spirit is, and he intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. So if you were to look even further back in Romans 8, it talks about, in verse 11, that the spirit of him who raised Jesus for the dead, the whales and you. And so if you study out Romans 8, you know that this particular part of scripture is telling you your identity of sons and daughters, and it’s also telling you that you have the witness of the spirit on the inside of you. And so when we’re born again that’s that is literally step a it’s the Holy Spirit that draws us. It’s the Holy Spirit that convicts us of sin and righteousness and judgment. It’s also the Holy Spirit that causes us to know and understand that we are sons of God. And then it’s also the Holy Spirit that prays in and through us when we don’t know what to pray as we should.

So what does this have to do with the end of the age? Has everything to do with it, because the beginning step a is learning how to get in sync with him. It’s learning how to say what he says, pray what he prays, fall in love with him. Listen, it says in Revelation I think it’s chapter two, where it’s talking about the church at Laodicea is at two or three, three that they’ve done all these things well, but he has this one thing against them that they’ve left their first love. And here’s the thing, the first love longing comes from being fully yielded into him all the days of our life. It’s step a in identity, it’s step a in hunger, is step a in the Christian walk is leaning into his witness.

And the word witness, I’ve told you, in the Greek means martyr, but it’s also a term that is a courtroom term to a judicial term. So a witness sits on the witness stand and identifies that they have both seen and heard a particular event and they’re they’re agreeing or disagreeing with the accused right. And so the beginning part of being a witness is the Holy Spirit in you is saying yes, you’re a son, yes, you’re a daughter, yes, he died, yes, he was raised up, yes, he’s coming again. That’s the beginning, and so if we don’t understand that part, then we won’t understand the rest of it, because it starts there. It even says in church of Latter, see, they lose their lampstand if they don’t return to the first love. And so we’ve got to step a, understand that we can do all the things, but if we’re not abiding in him, if we’re not gazing on him, if we’re not lovesick for him, then we’re literally going to be. Listen, that’s a scary thing, but are literally the light, the lamp, the fire of God will be taken away because we’ve neglected the very point, the very reason in which we were saved.

I posted this to them on Facebook today. It started in a garden and it’s going to return in a garden. Right, if I had time to tell you the whole garden encounter, the garden of Gethsemane in Israel. He’s very interested in the garden, he’s very interested in that encounter. He’s very interested in intimacy with you, since started with a tree and it ended with a tree. It’s all about love, and so I’ve been very, very intrigued by this word witness and how it means martyr.

And so how do we find ourselves at the place? How do people find themselves at the place that they’re willing to lay down their lives? Because I really don’t think that people go out into the mission field and that, or they live in nations where they’re being persecuted, that they’re laying down their lives as martyrs because it was just a good idea. I really don’t think they got zealous enough about their religion to where they were willing to lay down their lives. It says that they were led in the beginning of the new church, the early church, and we will be too. They were led as sheep to the slaughter. Sheep, humble, lowly. How do we get to that place?

So Joan of Arc is one that has really kind of like God’s kind of brought her to the forefront for me. I don’t read you this quote. She said it’s better to be alone with God. His friendship will not fail me, nor his counsel, nor his love, and in his strength I will dare and dare and dare until I die. I want to read. Can I read that again? It is better to be alone with God. Listen, it is better to be alone with God, for his friendship will not fail me, nor his counsel, nor his love, and in his strength I will dare and dare and dare until I die.

She was 19 years old when she was burned at the stake. She was tried as a witch. Do you know that? The reason that they burned her at the stake is really because she said that she saw visions and heard the voice of God, among all the other things that this young girl did. Her true witness is that I’ve seen him and I’ve heard him and I know him, and you can’t take that away from me.

You see, it’s the love-sick reality, I guarantee you. There was the inward witness of the groan of the spirit on the inside of this young girl that said there’s nothing, nothing in this earth that you can take away from me, that even can compare to being with him in the glory, to looking at him, gazing on him. It’s that kind of passion, that kind of love. It’s seeing beyond the earthen realm. It’s knowing that we’re sojourners in this earth. It’s knowing that this is not our home. It’s seeing so far above that, knowing that Ephesians 2, 6 is true. We’re seated with him in heavenly places, fully understanding that we are sons and that we’re daughters and we’re on a mission in this earth, that we were born for such a time as this and that his presence comes near and he will not leave us and he will not forsake us, no matter what happens in the earth or the nation that we live in. It’s that kind of hunger, it’s that kind of understanding that would cause someone to truly be a witness unto the death.

So too often people start well but they don’t finish well. You ever thought about that? We’re a generation of good starters. I confess I try to spin all the plates, I try to do all the things and I’ve found that that condemnation will come on me whenever I realize, like I’ve dropped this ball and I’ve dropped that ball and we do really, really good, especially in the generation of social media. We do so good at saying I’m doing this and I’m doing that and I’ve got this vision, and we start well, but very few finish well. And listen, I’m gonna say this to you prophetically right now, this generation is in more danger of not finishing well, probably than any other generation that has walked across this earth. We’re in heavy, heavy danger, and I’m not just talking about the kids sitting over there, wherever they are, the teenagers. I’m talking about our generation, the people on this earth. We’re so in danger of not finishing well.

But at the same time, the grace of God, the witness of the spirit, the outpouring of his spirit, the drawing right now is at an unprecedented level. So it says in 2 Corinthians 4, 17 to 18, for our light and momentary afflictions is producing for us an eternal glory that is far beyond comparison. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen, for what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. This has to become real to us. Where are your eyes fixed? What are you gazing on? What are you a witness to? Have we become witnesses? Have we stayed at level one of the Holy Spirit? You’re a good son, you’re a good daughter. That’s a good message. He’s a good father, but that is the milk. That is level one. What are you witnessing? What are you gazing on? What are you thirsting for? Because it says that if we fix our eyes on what is unseen, that what we see and what we endure really doesn’t have a bearing on us.

So John the Baptist probably is one of my favorite characters beside John the Beloved. To be honest with you, john the Baptist prepared the way of the Lord right. We know his story. We’re very familiar with him People. We said we’re the John the Baptist generation, but the truth of the matter is that God is calling us to be a generation of people who prepare the way.

And so John the Baptist actually was in the lineage of the priesthood. He could have worn the fine clothing, he could have served in the temple, but he was set apart, he was consecrated and so he actually became a Nazarite. He was one of the Essians. He lived out in the wilderness I’ve been there in Israel. Like it was hot, it was gross. He wore camel skins and Jesus refers to John as the greatest man born of women.

And so, just before John was beheaded, he trembled and he called for Jesus and he wanted to know like are you really the one? He found himself in a moment where you know he prepared the way. He was filled with the spirit from the womb. He found himself in a place in prison, when he was about to lose his head, where he was calling for Jesus and saying can you please tell me one more time, can you confirm to me one more time? John was a true witness. He’d seen, he’d heard, he had the feeling of the spirit, he had all of these things, but when the pressure came on. He wanted to know one more time. I want to know are you worth it? Is this true? Because if it is, I’ll lose my head. And Jesus responded. I love how Jesus responded, because everything on the inside of John cried out he’s coming, he’s here and I’m preparing the way. And that’s the true witness. That is the apostolic messenger. The apostolic messenger will go out of the comfort of their home, out of the comfort of the church, out of the comfort of you know, whatever you know you may think you have due to you and throw all that to the side to preach one message he’s coming. But I love how Jesus speaks of John the Baptist. It says in Matthew 11, 7 to 10,.

As John’s disciples were leaving, jesus began to speak to the crowd. I love this because he did confirm to John who he was. But then he turns to the crowd. This is the man that’s questioning, right? He says what did you go out to the wilderness to see? A reed swayed by the wind? If not, what did you go to see? A man dressed in fine clothes? No, those who wear fine clothes are in the king’s palaces. What did you go to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you more than a prophet. This is the one of whom I’m written. I will send my messenger ahead of you and he who will prepare your way before you.

Jesus confirms John and, in the same moment he’s confirming himself, he calls this man who is shaken, who has laid down everything, who’s about to lose his head, the greatest man born of woman. Because there was an intimacy between the two of them, there was a witness between the two of them. And then he turns, he confirms to John the signs and wonders and miracles that he’s seen. He confirms his witness and then he turns to the people and he was saying who did you think he was? You see, god’s gonna raise us up as messengers. He’s gonna raise us up as witnesses at the end of the age, and we’re not gonna look like they thought we’re gonna look. We’re not gonna sound like they thought we’re gonna sound. Listen, it’s not gonna come in the package that we thought it was gonna come in and listen, it’s gonna be signs and wonders and miracles. And it’s gonna be suffering and it’s gonna be pain and it’s not gonna be pretty, but at the same time it’s gonna be glorious. And people are gonna look and they’re gonna say is he really coming? Is he really who you said he is?

If you’re laying down your life, and Jesus will come and he will confirm to us who he is, what we’ve seen and what we heard, and in the same breath he will confirm who he is. You see, he doesn’t leave us orphans. He’s not changed. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. I love how you even drew the parallels between how he was the same in the wilderness whenever he removed the Israelites from those bags, basically their plagues, their bowls of wrath. In the same way he will do for us. You see, we have to love, not our lives, even if it cost us our lives. And it’s only by the witness of the spirit that we find ourself in that place.

And so I’m skipping over some stuff, guys, because I wanna get to the power of this witness. You see, jesus is called the faithful witness. That’s who he is in Revelation 1-1. Do you know why he’s the faithful witness? Because he gave his life. You see, the true and faithful witnesses will hold to that testimony until they become the testimony.

And you see, this is something that we don’t really, we don’t look at this, but in Revelation 5, see, jesus is the faithful witness. He’s faithful and true. Right. He took the testimony all the way to his death. He could not sway him, satan could not offer him enough. He could not be changed. He stood firm and stood steadfast and he’s faithful and true. And then we see him in Revelation 5 as the embodiment of the message. When we see the lamb, the slain lamb with the seven horns and the seven eyes, who’s the only one worthy to open the scrolls. You see, when we become, when we begin to walk out what we’ve seen and what we’ve heard, we actually begin to be transformed by the message that we actually become, come to a place where we find ourselves being the message, because you can’t undo what you’ve seen and what you’ve heard. So it’s a definite change there.

So Jesus said in Acts 1, 7 to 9, for you do not know the times of the seasons that the Father has fixed upon his own authority, but you will receive my power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses, and Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria to the ends of the earth. And after this, they watched and he was taken up and a cloud hid them from her sight. We think about and I think I’m kind of pushing this point, but a lot of times we think about witnessing or we’re going to knock on doors, right, we share the I mean everybody remember the Four Spiritual Laws, that’s what I cut my teeth on. I was Methodist, baptist, pentecostal-ish, all of the things right. But we think that’s witnessing. But you can’t truly witness unless you’ve been endowed by the Spirit and you’ve seen and heard and see Jesus actually pours out his Spirit upon them and then he sends them into their region, into their basically in our terms, into their region, into their state and into their nation and to the ends of the earth To bear witness to what they’ve seen and heard.

How many of you know that the witnesses, or the disciples, all but John, became martyrs? They all laid down their life for what they had seen and heard. And so the witness becomes. You transition from the inward witness to the historical. You could tell the story. You have history with God. You’ve identified with. You know you’ve had some time that you’ve walked with him, you’ve seen him do some things. And then that final stage is that ethical, true witness that we see Jesus walking in. It says that Jesus was this fateful witness because he went all the way to his death.

Revelation 12, 11 says that those at the end of the age will love, not their lives, even unto death. We don’t will ourselves here. I think that’s what I’m driving home with us. We can’t will it. We can’t be good enough believers, we can’t study the scriptures enough, we can’t quote enough scripture, we can’t be bold enough. We don’t get ourselves to being in that place where we lay down our lives, where we become the message because we did good enough. We find ourselves in that place because we’ve actually found ourselves completely molded into him. We’ve leaned ourselves completely into him. We found our identity in him.

And here’s something I want you to hear, this the key difference between Peter and I love Peter. I’ve been about a lot with Peter, I’ve wanted to slice the ears right and John which, john the beloved. I’m not talking about John the Baptist, john the beloved, he was the son of thunder, he wanted to call down fire. But the key difference between these two is how they spoke of themselves before Jesus. See, peter had all the zeal. He says I’ll die for you, I’m going to fight for you, I’m going to do you know, this is who he said, he who he was. I’m the guy with the zeal, jesus. I love you. Jesus, I’m the burning one.

When John the beloved said I’m the disciple who Jesus loves, he identified himself about how Jesus felt about him instead of how he felt about Jesus. And I’ve walked through this personally in my life. It’s been like I will do the thing, I will die. I’ve got the grit, I’ve got the grind. Send me to the mission field. You know, he said to me. I said, lord, send me to the mission field. I want to die on the mission field, I want to die as a martyr. I will go do the thing. You know what he said to me get married, have kids, die there. Probably not completely dead yet, but that’s, that’s who he’s called us to be. He’s called us to transition from the place where we identify ourselves with all that we are and that’s okay.

That’s the maturity process. So we would begin to say, listen, I don’t have anything to offer. I have begun to understand fully the older that I’ve gotten, the more passionate that I’ve gotten, the less that I don’t know anything. I am actually very immature. I really need help. Jesus, I am your beloved. Jesus, I’m your beloved Because, if I can shrink back to the place where I know that I’m the beloved. And listen, that sounds arrogant, doesn’t it? But it’s actually the most humble place to be. It’s more arrogant to say I can do all the things.

And what did Peter do before the rooster crow? Right? He denied him three times. Where was John? Where was John the beloved and the women? By the way, john the beloved and the women were at the feet of the cross. He was the only one of the 12 that found himself at the foot of the cross, the one whom Jesus loved.

Peter was restored, but I believe that there’s something key there that carries us from being zealous and passionate. And listen, I will be zealous and passionate the rest of my life, and that may kill me one day, and that’s okay. But before I’m that zealous and that passionate, I want to know who I am and him, and I want to know how desperately in love with me he is. When I fail, when my faith fails me, when my strength fails me, I draw on his faith. I draw on his strength. Listen, even before I got up here, god, I’m praying. Lord, give me your faith, strengthen my faith, strengthen my faith, strengthen my faith. Jesus, you’re worthy of burning souls. Jesus, you’re worthy of messengers going forth into the earth. Jesus, you’re worthy of healing. I’m not. I’m not worthy, but because of him I’m beloved.

Does it ever boggle your mind why our Savior would lay his life down as a bridegroom and literally hand the kingdom to a bunch of broken messed up? Don’t nobody even know who he is, people we don’t even know him. And he was like here, go take the world. And we’re like a bunch of two-year-olds, we don’t have a clue, but he does it anyway. So Romans 8 has been so powerful to me because it talks about the revealing of the sons of God. It talks about the revealing of the sons of man, son of man. So it’s again that syncing together the spirit and the bride they call. And so the apostolic witness grows and matures throughout a journey with him.

As we receive more messages and more understanding. We see more of the birth pangs, we see more of the reality of his coming. We begin to get emboldened to preach the message. We actually get that face-like flint and at the same time we’re beautifully compassionate and he’s able to move through us as we grow and we mature in him. He actually makes us the message. We become the messengers because we’ve learned how to abide in him, we’ve learned how to gaze on him, we learn how to take the word of God and we read it and we pray it like it’s our lifeline, like it’s sustenance, like it really is our daily bread, instead of checking our religious box.

When we begin to mature into that place, we’re actually answering the groan of all creation. And listen, the fullness of that will come whenever he returns. But the groan of all creation is that you and I would wake up and understand who we are, because the calling of an apostolic witness, in the truest sense of the word, is to grow up in him and to go out into the earth and to manifest the presence and the beauty and the wholeness and the message of God, not because of who we are, but because of who he is. Did you know that we can actually find ourselves in a place and listen, it’s abiding in prayer, it’s chewing on the word, it’s finding ourselves lovesick. We find ourselves in that place where we go so low that he fully overtakes us and listen. I believe this. It says go into all the world and heal the sick and raise the dead and cleanse the lepers. He says freely, you’ve received. Freely give. I believe fully that this is not an if, and it’s not for some people. It’s literally for all of us to find ourselves in the place where we’re so in love with him that all we want to do is be with him, that when we walk out into the highways and the byways, they are literally compelled to come in. Listen.

I texted my niece today and I was like listen to. The Lord is talking to me about her. And I texted her and I was like you aren’t supposed to be Jesus to anybody, you’re supposed to be his friend so you can manifest him. You can’t change people, but he can. It’s not your job to be Jesus, it’s your job to be in him and he and you and you’ll bear much fruit, but without him you’ll do nothing. How do we become a warrior? How do we lay down our lives? We find ourselves lovesick.

We go back. Listen. Faith that works is dead. Do the works. But we go back full circle. Remember when you first fell in love, remember when you got born. Again I do. I was so unbelievably grateful that he would wash my slate clean and then, daily, I try to remind myself I was so, so messed up. I’m so not worthy to be standing on this platform. And then I remember See, we got to go back that remembrance.

And when the power of God I heard Bill Johnson say this when the power of God moves and the sick are healed, the dead are raised, or somebody gets saved or somebody’s encouraged and they say I’m so thankful for you, you can receive that gratitude. But then you go into your inner room and you get on your knees and you take the honor and you say this belongs to you because we’re not going after false humility. You just take it and you lift it right back up and you live in this posture and this lifestyle and you become a witness of him. You seek him, move. You have become one who’s seen and heard.

And then the ethical witness, the true witness. What is ethics, morality, right, ethics is like I’m going to stay in line with the thing that I’ve been told to do, taught to do an ethical witness. Actually, they have laid down their life. I’ve witnessed that Jesus laid down his life, so therefore I’m willing to do the same. That’s how someone finds themselves at that place. They don’t theologically understand that. I’d say Joan of Arc didn’t have a clue. If you really study this girl out. She just loves sick, she just believes she saw and she heard and she gonna do it because she was a teenager and that’s what he’s calling us to.

I’m gonna look at this. I’ve kind of flipping through my notes a little bit here and there. So so it at the end of the age and even now, whether or not it’s all the things are coming down. We’re gonna face opposition. We’re gonna face people who are gonna be like you know, scoffers, you know say like this scoffers are gonna scoff. Right, we say haters are gonna hate, scoffers are gonna scoff, mockers are gonna mock. We’ve got to know how to stand in the face of that. So let’s look at second Peter 3, real quick, verse 3. Actually I don’t think I want to do verse 3. I think that’s what y’all have. Let’s look at second Peter 3, first 12.

For the eyes of the Lord are towards the righteous and his ears attend to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. Who is there to harm you? If you prove zealous for what is good? Listen to this. This is your character. Your anointing will crush you. If you don’t have character, he’s putting as anointing on us. Who was there to harm you if you prove zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed and do not fear their intimidation and do not be troubled, but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you.

Yet, with gentleness and reverence, I’m gonna stop right there. I’m totally just following the fear right now. This is key. With gentleness and reverence, not with a spirit of accusation, not with a spirit of chrism. When mocking comes, when, when accusations come, you’re characters going to come into question, you go low. You become emboldened by the spirit of God and you speak the truth Without fearing and trembling, but in your heart, you go low.

If you go back to what we were talking about with John the Baptist to begin with, he knew how to go low. He taught us to go low. He is the one that prepared the way of the Lord. As the generation comes forth right now to begin to prepare the way of the Lord, you will be emboldened by the power of the spirit. You’re gonna see signs and wonders and miracles, but you’re gonna come, accusations are gonna come against you. Listen, we love I do media ministry. We love the platform we love to be, to be able to reach masses of people at once. But most people are not prepared for what comes after you, after, whenever you go and you reach masses of people, it’s hard enough to reach five, because people are going to be offended, the spirit of accusations, satan will come and he will put Accusations in their mind against you. The very one you’re trying to reach will come against you.

And listen, we’re talking about persecution and laying down our lives. This is how it happens. This is the, how it says at the end of the age that brother will betray above brother, even under death. And so if we don’t know how to go low, if we don’t know how to ride, listen, it’s gonna sound like it doesn’t make sense. We’ve got to go low.

In our heart does humility? But rise above the warfare and sit with him in heavenly places. We gaze on him. We say what are you saying? What are you doing? Jesus, help me to bleed love. Jesus, helped me to be like you, walk like you, be humble. Jesus was the humblest, kindest man. You see the power of the living God that flows through a faithful witness, an Apostolic messenger at the end of the age, is the one who was willing to go low and not come into agreement with any Thing that is like Satan.

Listen, listen, jesus said that Satan had nothing in him. There was nothing like Satan in Jesus. Therefore, jesus was able to conquer death, hell in the grave, and we are called to go low and come out of agreement with anything that looks like Satan. The spirit of accusation will point the finger at you From the head listen, then the someone’s head that will come up with complete, total bunk, right, craziness, and you are going to want to go low and you are going to want to defend yourself. But God is calling you to rise above that and Sit with him in heavenly places, get his heart, get his desires, get his word.

I have practiced doing this on a daily basis in seasons. Literally. I can hear in this some of what God has given me as a spiritual give, that I can hear accusations and I will go before the Lord and I will say, Lord, I come out of agreement of every whisper, every lie, every Accusation that’s come against me and anything in my heart where I am agreeing with accusations to get someone else Listen. It’s not just an action that you do, it is the power of God that it will be released upon you to be able, as you bless those who curse you, to be able to transform lives. I Don’t have time to go into it, but when my daughter, my art, my daughter, almost passed away this time last year, she’s covering her face. She hates when I tell the story. She’s okay.

God was teaching me this process. Rise above it. Rise above it. Rise above it like on a daily basis. Rise above it. Rise above it. Rise above the accusation, rise above the lies. Come and sit with me. Do what I’m doing, say what I’m saying.

I was teaching on it online. I was teaching on the spirit of Leviathan, and Jaden ended up in the hospital. Long and short of it is God like, gave her a new heart, new kidneys, new lungs. She is an absolute miracle. But I had begun to learn how to sit above the chaos before we ever walked into that hospital room. And Then, whenever I was at a conference I don’t know, several months ago, a Person that you guys would probably know, but he comes up to me and he says you know that the key reason, and I don’t want to formulate miracles, but he said one of the key reasons that you’re seeing the miracles in your life and in your family is because you’ve learned how to rise above accusation, accusation, okay.

This is why this is so important. If Jesus is a faithful witness, even under death, and he dies for those who are accusing him, how much more so do we take up that cross and Deny ourselves so that we can walk in the power of the resurrection? But go back to verse 14. But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed and do not fear their intimidation and do not be troubled, but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts and be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you. Yet, with gentleness and reverence, and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you were slandered, those who revile you, your good behavior in Christ will be put to shame. You don’t have time to go through all of it.

Ready to arm yourself with divine intelligence and spiritual strength in the face of tumultuous times? Imagine tapping into the prophetic access to intimacy with the Father and hearing His voice even when everything around you is in crisis. That’s what we’re exploring in this enlightening episode. We recall a word and vision I received in 2018 about the burning olive branch – an emblematic warning of impending challenges, but also a blueprint for surviving and thriving in times of upheaval.

Today’s episode was originally a part of Lana Vawser’s Whole Woman Series. You can visit to learn more about her ministry and courses. You can also subscribe to her new Zion’s Company Of Women Podcast.

Ever wondered about the superpower of repositioning your heart? It’s a power rooted in intimacy and knowledge of God, one that empowers women to laugh without fear of the future. We take a deep look at Proverbs 31, Psalm 2, and the story of Elijah, drawing parallels and lessons that underline the essence of trust in God. Along the journey, we illuminate the importance of being spiritually strong, whole, and prepared for the Lord’s arrival, with Proverbs 31 as our guiding light.

As we wrap up, we contemplate the art of interpreting the signs of the times and the pivotal role of prayer. Drawing from scriptures like Matthew 16:3, Isaiah 16:19, and Hebrews 11, we aim to equip you on how to remain spiritually whole and strong in anticipation of the Lord’s coming. We also delve into the crucial matter of remaining watchful for the Lord’s movements, and interpreting them through intimacy and knowledge of God. So join us, absorb, and let’s navigate this enlightening episode together.

Where to dive in:

(0:00:01) – Hearing and Responding to God’s Voice

Hearing the Lord’s voice is essential for survival and thriving in crisis, with a strategy of the burning, yet not consumed, olive branch dripping oil.

(0:15:10) – The Superpower of Repositioning Your Heart

Women use God-given superpower to quench violence and trust Him, as seen in Proverbs 31, Psalm 2, and First Kings 19.

(0:30:33) – Preparing for the Lord’s Arrival

We must prepare spiritually and be strong women, looking to Proverbs 31 as an example, to experience joy, peace and safety in the Lord’s restoration of Shalom.

(0:39:18) – Ministry, Microphones, and Interpreting the Times

Interpreting signs, prayer, scripture examples, and Reese Howells’ example to be spiritually strong.

(0:55:53) – Burning Messengers

Prepare spiritually, interpret signs, and pray to watch the Lord’s movements.

About the host: 

Tammie Southerland is the host of Burning Messengers and the author of Permission To Bur: Breaking the Chains of Compromise from a Holy Generation. She is also a speaker and prophetic minister. She releases the sound authentic of revival and messages from heaven as she travels. Her lifestyle is one of prayer and digging deep into the Word of God, her desire is to releasing the Heart of The Father in these last days. She moves in power ministry and is known for releasing the Matthew 3:11“baptism of Holy Fire” as she goes. ⁠

Buy Tammie’s Book “Permission to Burn: Breaking the Chains of Compromise from a Holy Generation” here⁠: ⁠

Full Transcript


0:00:01 – Tammie Southerland
your circumstances, do not surprise him. If you can just be still, you will hear him, and it’s like the song. You know, all of a sudden I’m overwhelmed and all these afflictions are eclipsed by his glory. That’s where you will be, in the realm of the unspoken, and you’re practicing in circumstances, because times are going to get more difficult and, yes, the famine. Touch not the oil and the wine. I believe there will be famine around the earth. But what did he say? Touch not the oil and the wine. Listen to me, you have a destiny. You have. He’s got a plan for you and your children. Oh, guys, I am so thankful to be here. I’m carrying something right now and I’m just.

This is actually the first time I’ve released this publicly. Had a lot of back room conversations with friends and family about what the Lord is doing right now, in this hour, but it’s been pressing into my heart the the utter importance of being able to hear him, not just in the secret place. But this is. I’m going to talk to you about the unspoken realm and the voice of the Lord, and some of it is because what is coming in the next three months and next three years globally, we’re not going to be able to trust what we see and hear with our physical eyes or with our ears, or what we’re scrolling and we’re seeing on social media. We’re going to have to be able to lean into the trust of the Lord in this realm. We, we, we over spiritualize the realm of the spirit and a lot of times we think only certain people are really allowed into that realm. But we were all created to abide in him, to gaze on him, to behold him and to hear him and have knowledge of what he’s doing, what he’s saying, what’s going on in the earth. And so part of what I’m going to share with you is actually going to really tap into your identity, and it’s not just to to encourage you in your identity, it’s to prepare you.

You must be prepared, especially as women. Women, we tend to be very intuitive. Naturally, we tend to have, you know, just an awareness of what is going on. But at the same time, there is more for us. We don’t have to lean into just our intuition. We actually have more than intuition, but a prophetic access to intimacy with the Father. That gives us divine intelligence. And we, when we think of Romans 826, we think of when the spirit is praying for us when we don’t know what to pray. We think about we pray. We’re praying in tongues right, most of us think that’s our spirit language. We’re praying in tongues, but there’s so much more to the groanings of the spirit or the unspoken language of the spirit than what we think.

So I’m going to dive into this. We’re going to talk a little bit about Elijah. We’re going to talk about how God drew himself, or the Father drew himself, close to Elijah in the time of crisis, and we’re also going to connect that to where we are now. And I also want you to be thinking about family. I want you to be thinking about your kids and your grandkids and those who in your realm of influence, who you’re praying for, and and really let the Lord kind of transition you from leaning in on a frustration or a fear based prayer life into an unveiled, strategic prayer life where he’s taking you into, like Psalm 139, 16. I’ve been posting on that a little bit where there is all of the days written in your book or in his book, before one ever came to be, where you get to go into the place where you can know what’s in the daily bread that day and pray in that way, without fear of the future. That’s going to be key, very, very key, without fear of the future. And so one thing we’re going to go. If you look at the notes, um, you know, I kind of titled it. He’s in the whisper. Now this is going to be a little bit of a play on words, because he actually is not whispering. He is speaking in another realm, so his voice is a breath that’s coming forth in the realm of the spirit. We’re going to see this with Elijah, but he wants to pull us out, where it’s just a whisper, into its eight revelation or an unveiling. And so this is how to hear and respond to the unspoken voice of the Lord in the hour of crisis. Now, some of you may have heard me tell this story before.

In 2018, the Lord first gave me like, spoke to me audibly this, this word the unspoken in 2018. I’m in my bed, 3am, and I hear, like, I’m like, like I’m struck by the Lord in his voice and he says one word unspoken. That’s all he says. And I jolt up out of my bed and in that moment, oh, the dog is in the room. I’m sorry.

In that moment, I am like caught up and I’m seeing this vision of an olive branch and it’s burning, it’s, it’s it’s almost like Moses is Bush that was burning but not consumed. But it was an olive branch and the the olives were burning and they were dripping oil. And I began to pray in the spirit, in a prophetic voice but touch not the oil in the wine, but touch not the oil in the wine. Now, if you’re familiar with scripture, that’s from Revelation, where he is actually prophesying of a famine that would come. But the order to the angel was but touch not the oil and the wine. And so we’ve got these two elements the unspoken. The Lord’s using this language. And then he’s showing me an olive branch that is burning but not consumed, dripping oil, and so he’s giving me clues as to what’s to come and actually the strategy not just of survival but of thriving in an hour of crisis.

Okay, and so this is important because, in the end, when you’re in him right, lana’s done another whole course on in him when you’re in him, you are actually enveloped or in folded into him, you become one with him, and so you’re hidden, like Psalm 91, you’re hidden in the secret place of the most high, where the arrow that flies by day doesn’t touch you, right, and so you’re in him, in this unspoken realm, and then what the earth is experiencing as crisis is actually the labor pains of Romans eight, where the whole earth is groaning and the longing for what, the unveiling or the manifestation of the sons of God. And then that leads into that Romans 826. But when you know not what to pray, the spirit himself prays for you or through you, wordless, unspoken groanings. Right, that’s the. Are you? Are you following me?

So you’re in, folded into Christ in the hour of the earth experiencing crisis, when it’s actually in labor pains, and he’s taking you into a place where you’re praying, and he’s praying through you in another realm. That perfect prayer, yes, but it’s also a whisper, a a, an infolding or a drawing you into a realm that’s not experiencing crisis, but it’s experiencing labor. Okay, so this is what. This isn’t just what we get to do. This is what we were redeemed for In the hour, that which we would live. There should be no fear, because perfect love drives out all fear. Fear has to do with torment, and so this is actually us being delivered from the flesh.

Glacians, chapter five, talks about the deeds of the flesh versus the fruit of the spirit. So we’re delivered from the deeds of the flesh, or the experience of the flesh, or the reactions of the flesh, to walk in the spirit, in the realm of what Elijah would call the steel small voice of the Lord. The whisper of the Lord is actually the Romans 826, grown of the spirit. We are seated with him to get divine intelligence of how to respond, not react, in the hour of crisis. Okay, that was a mouthful right. Okay, so that was just the introduction, and so we’re looking at this.

But this is just so important. I’m not really trying to necessarily wow you with revelation. I want to equip you because you have to be able to not just feel the excitement of this word. I know your spirit man’s coming, but it’s got to penetrate deeper, because what we’re walking into I’m not, you know, I’m sure globally, but also especially in the United States, with us approaching a time of elections what we’re about to walk into and I do believe it’s global is going to be a three month period of time where the Lord is charging us to be steel and begin to allow ourselves to retrain the way that we pick up on what is going on around us instead of picking up on what’s going around us, he’s inviting us up to a place, in a that ascended place, where we’re retraining our senses, our intuition, to not focus on what’s in front of us or what is seen, but on what is unseen, not to even hear what we hear, but to listen for the unspoken realm where things are unveiled, as the whole earth is laboring for the sons of God to be revealed at the end of the age. And so this is going to be important, so that we can pull his will on earth, as it is in heaven, in an hour of crisis. And so I believe there’s a three year period, there’s a three month period and there’s also a three year period.

The Lord specifically shared with me, with us, at least in the United States, that this coming election really does. It matters, don’t get me wrong, it matters, but it doesn’t matter in the sense of the direction that we’re going, because there’s been a global shift and we’ve talked about the new era, but there’s been a global shift where things have been set in motion and those things are in motion, and now is the time of shaking, where everything that can be shaken will be shaken, but that which the kingdom, by the way, is not able to be shaken, will begin to arise, but it’s going to require the people of the kingdom to function as though they are of the kingdom right, not looking at the wind, of the waves, but listening for the voice of the Lord. And so I’ve got here points to remember, just so you can go back. I want to hit these points, but I’m really just going to flow with the Holy Spirit as I teach this, and so if you look at these points, I’ll go over them with you.

Number one the whisper and the breath of God is in the realm of the unspoken. So if you want to attach Romans 826 to that, you can. That Romans 826 is not just a grown, it says wordless, and we don’t usually take that in. It says wordless groanings. He prays through us with wordless groanings, and so that indicates when you’re gripped by God and yet you have no words. He has language, and so the groan of the spirit is not without language in the realm of the spirit. It’s only without language in the realm of the flesh, or the realm of what is seen by our physical eyes, what is heard by our physical ears. But in the realm of the spirit. There is definitely language for what he is praying and he’s inviting us into those prayers, not just to mindlessly pray. That is the beginning.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. So that’s the beginning of the spiritual reality. But it’s not the end. It’s an invitation. So you’re going to begin to ask the Lord to give you divine intelligence or interpretation to what you’re praying in the wordless realm and you’re going to learn how to listen and hear him, even in the silence. And so, number two the voice of fear, intimidation and pressure to perform will deceive and project false information. Please hear me when I say that I’m going to read that again. The voice of fear, intimidation and pressure to perform will deceive us and project false information. So we’re going to be very, very careful in this season to not look at information, whether it’s factual or not, as the prophetic word of the Lord. If it is fear and intimidation and pressure to perform, you will not be able to trust it. It will not be the word of the Lord. You will find the only way you’re going to have peace in this season is to be seated in the realm of the Spirit, and that is where perfect peace is, by the way.

Number three discerning the times and the seasons and the days to come requires we ascend and we be seated with Christ. Now, here’s the thing about us being ascended. Most of us know this, we’ve taught it so much over the past few years. But Ephesians 2, 6 is not where you strive to sit, it’s where you are seated, and so there is an element of spiritual rest in this urgency. Right, it’s not a hastiness, it’s not the hastiness of the hour, it’s the urgency of the hour, and so this means we are seated with Him. We are seated with Him in heavenly realms. You don’t have to strive your way there by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony. You have been redeemed, you have overcome, you are seated. You do not have to strive and clean up to get there, but there is an element of holiness, absolutely there’s an element of holiness and purity, but you are seated with Him in heavenly places.

Number four respond. Responding to hear. I don’t know what I wrote there Repositioning. I wrote repositioning, repositioning your heart to hear amid chaos is your superpower. Okay, women, let me explain this to you. You have a superpower. I love my husband and the men in my life, but we have a superpower to quickly reposition our hearts and hear from the Lord and respond without fear of the future.

Proverbs 31, verse number five is exactly what I’m talking about. This woman responds to the future events without fear, and so you have been given a superpower of, yes, intuition, but prophetic knowledge of God out of the place of intimacy where you know that, you know that you know you can trust Him because he’s your bridegroom, so you can quickly reposition your heart, because your heart longs for intimacy, in order to cast out all fear, that you can stand firm in an hour of chaos, because you know there is no chaos in your bridegroom. You know this because you know Him, and so the superpower is intimacy and the knowledge of God and how to respond. Please remember that. Yes, she laughs without fear of the future. I love it. I’m gonna hit on that in a minute because it parallels Psalm two. By the way, the Proverbs 31 woman parallels Psalm two where the Father has the Son ask of me and I’ll give you the nations as my Azure inheritance. And it says that when the nations rage, he laughs.

Did you know that the Proverbs 31 woman laughs at the rage of the nations? I’m telling you, if you only understood what you have in beholding Him and being seated with Him. And it’s so important in what’s coming because, listen, my pastor’s wife preached Sunday morning and she said, if women ruled the world, the only problem would be we would build up so much offense and we wouldn’t talk to each other. But if all men ruled the world, there would be no, nothing left because they would always pull out their sword and destroy one another. And that’s why we need each other. That’s why we need to run together. Men and women need to run together in this, because we have a superpower to be able to quench I should say we’re able to quench the violence of the passions of our husbands and the men in our life, because we have the ability to hear from Him in the place of intimacy. We can laugh without fear of the future. We get that aspect of Him.

Okay, so first Kings, chapter 19, 11 to 13. I’m gonna read this to you, but I want you to hear this very, very prophetically. Right now. There’s several elements that we’re gonna kind of swirl through in this. I want you to notice something we talk a lot about five fold ministry. We talk a lot about the new move, right, the new wine skin move. These are kind of like key phrases that are being thrown out right now.

Elijah is a prophet. He is a prophet, an Old Testament prophet, a prophet of prophets. Okay, and in this passage, elijah has just taken out the prophets of Baal. He had a showdown, he sat back, he was chill. Let them do their thing, let them cut themselves, let them have all their whatever to try to call down their gods, and their gods didn’t move. He’s even poking at them, making fun of them throughout this process. He comes, it’s his time to go. He pours water, he does every physical thing that would hinder fire from falling. And guess what? God moves. He pours out the fire. It consumes everything and God is made to be known as Yahweh, the God of all creation, the ruler of all, and the prophets of Baal are slaughtered. The next thing we know, elijah the prophet gets a letter from Jezebel threatening his life, and he is immediately in fear. Okay, this is a true prophet.

We talk about five fold ministry and the prophets and the apostles and all the things, but this dude knows, god hears, god has the boldness, he’s moving in it. He’s doing the thing. Okay, jezebel sends him a letter. He’s freaking out, he heads to the cave. He tells God to take his life. Like, almost like a spirit of suicide comes over him because he’s truly consumed, he truly believes he’s alone. There’s nobody else there with him. Like he’s done. Okay, he is done. He is in the hour of crisis and in his mind it is over. Okay, we’re going there right now.

So first, kings 19,. I’ve got 11 to 13 on here. I’m going to read up just a little bit further. I want you to see this point right here, where he says in 19, verse four but he himself went on a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came and he sat down under the juniper tree and he requested for himself that he might die and he said it’s enough. Now, lord, take my life, for I am not better than my father’s. And he laid down and he slept under the juniper tree and, behold, there was an angel touching him and said arise and eat. And then he looked and behold, there was at his head bread and baked on hot stones in a jar of water, and he ate and a drink. And the angel of the Lord came and he said a second time and touched him arise and eat, because the journey is too great for you. Okay, okay.

So he’s in this place. He has eight knees, drank and there’s been 40 days and 40 nights. He’s in the mountain of God and now, in verse nine, he came to a cave and he lodged there. And then the Lord said to him what are you doing here, elijah? And he said I’ve been very, very zealous. And see, here he goes again. He’s discouraged again. Okay. And he says I have been very zealous, for the Lord, the God of host, and the sons of Israel have forsaken your covenant and tore down your alters and killed your prophets with the store, the sword, and I, along, am left, and they seek my life to take it away. And he said go forth and stand on the mountain of the Lord and behold, the Lord was passing by.

Now, listen, this is important. I want you to think about where we are right now as a nation, all of the things that are taking place, I should say as a globe right. All the things are taking place, the fears that are coming out. We’re hearing rumors of wars. We’re hearing about famine that’s possibly coming. We’re looking at all of these things that are swirling. They are the signs of the times. I’m going to talk about that in a minute.

We’re hearing the prophets prophesy. We’re hearing people that are building like we’ve got to build the five fold. We’ve got to get the five fold in place. We’re hearing people say there’s a mass exodus of the church coming. Everybody’s leaving the church. And then we’re hearing the church say everybody that’s leaving the church is in rebellion and like we’ve got all these things going on around, and some people are feeling like Elijah in this moment, and they’re feeling like what was me? Everything’s over, nobody’s listening, everything’s in chaos. Listen, I feel the groan of my own spirit. You know, the child sex trafficking, all of these things are shaking and all of these things are manifesting in our earth right now, and we want to look at all of these things in massive discouragement and fear will wash over us. And so this is what God’s doing. He’s taking Elijah in this moment. He’s fed him, he’s nourished him, he’s brought angels to him, yet still Elijah can’t really perceive the Lord.

Now, first of all, I want you to see how the father draws near in Elijah’s crisis. The father did not leave him abandoned, he did not throw him out. He didn’t say oh well, you’re, you’re no good to be my prophet anymore. The father draws near, he nourishes him, he cares for him, he feeds him. So his physical needs are important. But watch this.

And so it says verse 11, go forth and stand on the mountain before God, before the Lord. And behold, the Lord was passing by and a great and strong wind was rending the mountains and breaking them into pieces in the rocks. Before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind and earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake of fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire, a gentle blowing. And when Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave and behold, a voice came. Listen to this, he wraps his face in his mantle. There’s been storms, there’s been earthquakes, there’s been fire. He did not tremble, he did not shake until the voice came. He wraps his face. Do you remember Moses? He veils his face because of the glory. He wraps his face in his mantle because he heard a voice. Okay, listen to the voice. And a voice came to him and said what are you doing here, elijah and he said I have been very zealous for the Lord. I have hosed the sons of Israel, forsaken your covenant, torn down your altars, they killed your prophets and with the sword, I alone am left and they seek to take it away. And the Lord said to him Go and return to the wilderness, to Damascus, where you’ve arrived. And he sends him back. So I’m going to pause right there.

Most of the time we take this force of Scripture and we say he wasn’t in all the things, but he was in the still small voice. He was just in the still small voice. I want you to hear me say this. That was not a teeny, tiny voice. There was a lot of ruckus and a lot of commotion and a lot of things, and Elijah was not moved in the midst of those things. But God made it clear to him I’m not in the elements. I’m not what in you see. I’m not in what you hear. I’m not what in they, what they say. I’m not in what Jezebel says. I’m not what in what you think. I am in a realm. Elijah, come up here where you can get clarity.

And Elijah, when he hears the voice, that word voice is translated as the very breath of God.

It is a breath. It was a sound. It was a sound in the realm that Elijah had to abide in to be able to face what he was stepping into, and he had to remember the mantle that he had been mantled with. And that mantle didn’t just sit on his shoulders, he needed that mantle to wrap his entire head. It was very similar, I believe, in the parallel to the helmet of salvation Cover your head, listen. It’s even like the. I think about the seraphim Cover your head, cover your faces. It’s him. He is here and his voice literally breaks the cedars. This is a voice that is teeny, tiny and it’s not whispering, and it’s not just momentary, and it’s not this thing. When the Lord came to me in 2018 and he rattled me out of my bed and he said the word unspoken, it was not a whisper. It was so strong because it came from the inside of me out and maybe sit up straight. You see the unspoken voice. The realm of the unspoken is where we have to abide in the days to come. If not, we will be exactly where Elijah is feeling alone, feeling persecuted, feeling abandoned, feeling threatened, and we will look at the fire. Listen, let’s go here. Let’s go here right now, okay, matthew 16. Let’s look at this real quick. I think that’s where I want to go. Hold on, wait a minute, no, no, no.

Matthew 24. Matthew 24 prophesies the words of Jesus of the end of the age. Okay, go take me just a second, because this was not planned. So, if you look at Matthew 24, so Matthew 24, 7. That’s where it is, matthew 24, 7. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. You will see them and not be alarmed. But these things must happen, for the end is still to come.

Okay, national rising its nation, kingdom against kingdom, there will be famines and earthquakes in various places, and all of these are the beginning of the birth pains. Okay, go back to Romans 8. The labor pains of creation. All of creation is groaning for the unveiling of the sons of God. These things will take place, but do not be alarmed, because these are the beginning of the labor pains.

What did Elijah experience? Elijah experienced these elements the earthquakes, the wind, the fire, all of these things. But what did God say? I was not in those things. He said come up here. Revelation 4. Come up here, Elijah, sit with me. Come up here and be seated in my realm. See, he’s going to send him back out and he’s going to take his mantle that he just wrapped on his face and he’s going to anoint Elijah, the next generation.

It’s not over. We’re going to prepare, as though it is, if we read all of Matthew 24, we’re going to prepare for the coming of the Lord. He’s coming, but we’re not going to draw back into our caves of fear. We are women who are whole. You’re going to be mentally strong. You’re going to be physically strong. You’re going to be spiritually strong. You’re going to know how to sit with the Lord. You’re going to know how to prepare.

In that, proverbs 31, woman, she’s preparing. She gets up while it’s still night. Listen, she’s preparing in the dark time for the light that has come. She’s also preparing for when there is no more light, when the darkness comes. She’s living in constant, in this constant place of connection with the Lord. It’s not about her physical realm. She has a divine intuition about her that she knows how to get up and feed and prepare. Listen, it says that she had made servants. I believe she had the women whom she was discipling, who they were working together in her home. Yes, they were servants of hers. But I believe that this woman was discipling women. She was preparing to feed them in when it was still dark so that in the day her children would be taken care of, her family would be taken care of, she could go survey a field and she was going to buy it, because she laughs without fear of the future.

And so we’re going to live in the state of preparation, but not enter into the spirit of fear. We’re going to retrain our hearts and our minds because, as you have intuition, you will pick up on everything, but you’re going to retrain your heart and mind to not pick up on all the chatter of the earth, though it will be signs to come of his coming. They, it is true, it is real, it is the signs of this coming, but you’re going to know that it is actually the groan of all creation for the sons and daughters of God to stand in their rightful place and pull the kingdom of heaven into the earth in the hour crisis to anoint the next generation Church. You ever underestimate the power of the season that you’re in If you’re a young mom, pouring into your children, preparing food for them, preparing food for your husband, loving on your husband, your grandchildren, the children that are around you in church, the young ones. Do not neglect or misunderstand the beauty of that season where you’re wrapping your mantle around a generation, preparing them for the very thing that could be the hour at which the Lord would return. Listen, you have no idea the power that you walk in as a woman.

We’re going to go back over here, and so if we look at this, the still small voice, it’s not simply a whisper. It’s the Lord breathing and drawing us into another realm, away from the rage of the nations. Psalm 2,. Why did the nations rage? Why do my peoples plot in vain? Ask of me and I’ll give you the nations as your inheritance. He laughs. He laughs at the rage of the nations. This voice, this realm, this whisper, this calling is to put within you a literal joy. When the rest of the world is literally writhing in fear and in pain, he’s putting the word in your mouth to give his son his rightful inheritance through you as a mom, as a wife, as a woman, as an influencer in the nations, to be able to draw in the Lamb’s reward of his suffering.

Do not misunderstand or neglect to understand the power of the one or two that is seated in front of you and so if you look down I talked about this a little bit in the notes there’s a pause as you reposition yourself to hear and operate from this realm. When the Lord begins to pause things around you do not misunderstand what he’s doing there’s going to be a holy hush that’s going to wash over us. It’s going to feel like everything’s stopped. Do not fear, for he is repositioning your heart and your ears to be fully prepared. He’s restoring Shabbat all over the world in this hour. He’s restoring Shalom all over the world in this hour. Be speaking peace and safety in your soul, when all of the earth is saying you are not safe, there is no peace.

Listen, wars, rumors of wars, famine, listen, famine. I told my husband this the other day Famine will not touch us. It’s the oil in the wine. But touch, not the oil in the wine. We do not have to be afraid. He literally listen, we’re talking about meat shortages right now. He owns the cattle on a thousand heels. That’s for his children.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Suffering plays a part in releasing the glory, because it forms glory in us, it forms trust in us. Do not misunderstand me, it’s the both and in this season. But he promises I’ve never seen his seed forsaken I mean the righteous forsaken, or his seed begging bread. But do we believe that? And I told my husband this the other day I believe the reason that even Israel experienced famine is because they did not believe. They turned to idolatry. They started believing in the idols of the land over Yahweh. If we can just believe that he is who he says he is, we will not have to be afraid. And even now, like I feel like, even as I say that, like some people are like but, but, but, but, but but we need to remove the but so that we can be where we’ve been called to be. He did not place us in this hour by accident. He knew what he was doing.

A spiritual son of mine sent me a dream, I don’t know, four years ago, three or four years ago, and he and I were in Israel and we had superpowers and it was literally the end of the age. It was literally like all the things in the book of Revelation were happening and he and I had these superpowers where we could literally like, we didn’t have to worry about food, we were translated in different places, we could put people out, we can. You know, it’s like all the things, maybe like all the Marvel movies, I don’t know All these supernatural powers, but in the dream, when the powers that became, we had to actually put on our basically in a veil over us in order to hide the glory or hide the powers, so that we could continue to bring salvation or bring deliverance to the people, because we didn’t need to be arrested. It was not yet our time. Right and see, I believe this is what the Lord is going to do, as the nation’s rage and plot in vain. The Lord himself raises a standard and he draws his people into a greater revelation of him and if we believe, if we will agree with him touching anything, if we will talk about him, if we will glorify him, he drops into that conversation and into that gathering of one or two, or two or more, and he begins to manifest the greatest powerful deliverance that the world has ever seen. But it doesn’t look like what we thought it was going to look like. Sometimes it might look like just being hidden in him and two or more. It may not and probably will not look like massive platform.

Ministry. You may have a massive, massive, mighty call in your life and never have a microphone in your hand. You were. You were born for such a time as this. You were born to bring deliverance to captives. You were born to heal the sick. You were born to raise up children into the ways of the Lord, so you can launch them. I believe, in the days to come, all of these platform stuff is really not going to matter. I’m thankful for it because I’m able to talk to you right now all over the world through the internet.

But listen, this is not the main thing. Many of you watching me right now. You have the ability to step into the fullness that God has called you to, but you are waiting on someone to hand you a microphone or invite you to speak, and the Lord is saying no, come up here. I got to show you some things because I’m going to use you in stealth mode. Did you know that the unspoken realm, have you ever noticed that God operates from hiddenness? Have you ever noticed that the angels operate from hiddenness? Have you ever noticed the Holy Spirit operates from hiddenness? Do you know what a beautiful invitation it is into the place of intercession that you can operate from hiddenness and you can literally believe God that he would use you to literally shift history and nations, with your prayers Hidden, hidden. The Lord himself is hidden and these broken vessels Chew on that for just a minute. So Matthew 16.3,.

This is actually a rebuke. But listen, he says in the morning this is what, the way that they are, they are determining what is taking place. In the morning. You say today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast. You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. That’s a rebuke. So look at Isaiah 16.19 and think about that in connection with the sky, interpreting the signs and knowing when it’s morning and when it’s night. Isaiah 16.19.

Jump over there with me. This is the hope of the future, and the sun will be no more be your light by day, nor will brightness of the moon shine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light and God will be your glory. The sun shall no longer be your light. So who’s your light? The sun S-O-N. The sun is our light. The sun Jesus is our guide when the fullness of time comes, those elements that cause us to know when it’s morning and when it’s evening and when the storm is coming and when the earthquakes coming and when the famines coming and when all the things.

Listen, you don’t have to be on the internet or on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram for more than like two minutes and you everybody knows when everything is coming. But how many are actually letting the sun be their light? How many can actually interpret the times and the seasons? And Matthew, he’s rebuking them because the Messiah, the Kingdom, has come and it’s right in front of them. But they cannot see Because they’re looking at what’s in front of their faces but not what is in front of their heart, what their spirit? Listen, how did they understand that Jesus was with them after he had been resurrected? They said did our hearts not burn within us? They couldn’t recognize because they’re looking at everything else. What you feed will grow. What you starve will die. If you feed your fear, you will be full of fear. If you feed your spirit and feast on him. He’s inviting us to a table in this season. If you will feast on him and, by the way, that table is set in the presence of our enemies you will see by the light of the sun and you will not determine whether it’s morning or evening, according to what the elements or the internet says. Listen, this is our promise. So, number five, we’re going to abide in prayer and we’re not going to fear. I’ve already hit Psalm 91.5 and Proverbs 31.25.

Hebrews 11 is one of my favorite chapters. Obviously, we hear it as the faith chapter, but Hebrews 11 also talks about those who did not receive their promise. It talks about the ones that were martyred and persecuted and sawn into. They were the ones of whom the world was not worthy. But it also talks about where the weak were made strong and they escaped the edge of the sword. They shut the mouths of lions and they put foreign armies to flight. You see, the weakness that is in us, yielded fully to him. When we close off all of the things that are terrifying in the earth, in our weakness, we come to him. He makes us strong and I find it amazing, having just come from Wales and then where Reese Howells prayed during World War II, that this portion of Scripture in Hebrews 11 says that they put foreign armies to flight. Reese Howells, I’m sure during World War II they thought that was, it was over, but they prayed with divine intelligence. They heard from the Lord what to pray, how to pray, when to pray, how long to pray. And they literally saw battles like the battle at Dunkirk and different other battles. They watched the Lord move and transition and shut down foreign armies because of prayer and intercession. That was abiding in him and not in what their eyes saw. How much more did he have for us?

When we were in Wales, I was on the floor in that blue room in that place I call it the blue room where the intercession went forth. Emma I think Emma Smith’s on here Emma was with us in Wales. So much fun to Emma, so powerful. But in that place, like we’re wailing and we’re weeping and like the glories in there and we’re in the intercessions of old, like it literally felt like we were with them in their intercessions. We were taking hold of the prayers that they had prayed and we were pulling them into our generation.

And the Lord said this to me and I literally started trembling. He said, where they were praying for a war to end, your generation is praying for a war to begin. And I began to cry out and just make ready your bride, make ready your bride, make ready your bride. And that’s what he’s doing and we’re groaning and we’re weeping and we’re crying out in him, in that unspoken realm, with the wordless prayers God, would you move? Would you come and start a war in our generation that would bring forth the fullness of your glory and elevate your kingdom and show what is unshakable in this world, in this side of eternity? He’s moving, guys, but we cannot be afraid. We cannot play pray from the place of fear.

And so, at the bottom of this I’m not really sure how far I’m in time wise yeah, I think I’m right there. So I’ve got some questions for you guys. I really want you to look at this as introspection for yourself personally, and I want to tell you this I’m probably going to release a podcast next week, or maybe this week, on the sphere thing, because it’s really driving me nuts, to be honest, like the way that people are moving in fear. We cannot move in that sphere of fear. We cannot move in that sphere of fear. Let me say it again we cannot move in the sphere of fear in this hour. It will not work and it’s bothering me. It’s bothering me in my spirit, in my soul, and here’s the thing about it. He’s delivering us up out of it, and I’m probably going to do a podcast on it because it’s urgent.

But there’s a way that you have to know if you’re functioning from fear or if you’re functioning from faith, for lack of a better word. You’re functioning from the spirit. It’s by the way that you react or respond, and so we might be living in the hour of urgency, but we are never to move out of haste. If you move in haste, or if you move from reaction instead of response, that means you’ve not pulled back to listen, to wash away all the things of the earth. Listen, it’s like Jesus letting Jesus come wash your feet. You sit back and you let him wash your feet and you do not move in haste. In the hour of crisis, you do not move out of fear. Some indicators of fear physiological and emotional indicators of fear can be black and white thinking, reacting versus responding. Nejart reactions hoarding is an indicator that you’re moving from a spirit of fear. Go to the word.

When you read something or you consume something on the internet, your heart starts just beating really wildly, but not in a way of like oh, I’m in the presence of the Lord, wild or not. Oh, I’m going to groan in the spirit wild, but I’ve got to do something wild. Right, I can’t breathe wild Like we got to do something right now. Ok, we’ve got to be able to know the difference in the spirit of fear and the urgency to prepare. This is so incredibly important because we can respond by pausing and awaiting. And the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, will come in and give wisdom, but that’s not where it ends. Wisdom is the beginning. You need understanding, you need the sevenfold spirit of God. You need the power of God, the might of the Lord, you need the strength of the Lord. You want it. You need to wait on him.

I used to be, I listen, I can tell you, I used to be one of the most urgent people because I’m like, I’m a prophet blah, blah, blah. Like we got to go, we got to do this, we got to make this change. We got to know, know all of that. I may be hearing, I may be seeing, but the Lord is never pushy, he’s never hasty, he’s never worried, he’s never concerned and full of fear. He gives divine intelligence. He tells us to chew on it, wait on it. Jesus was in the earth for 30 years before he ever stepped fully into his ministry. He spent three years in it. He pours out his spirit for a bunch of people that don’t have a clue what they’re doing. To finish the work Okay, to do the work. He is not afraid. He’s not moving out of worry and fear and concern. He knows the day that he will return, he knows when he’s coming and you’re not going to be found sleeping. You’re not going to be found without watching, but you’re going to be found love-sick Instead of in worry, concern and haste, because you’re in love with him.

A love song of Solomon. I can teach that at another time, but throughout the book of song of Solomon I noticed that the bride, the sulemite I used to think she was in haste and worry. She actually just wanted to just do what she wanted to do. She knew where he was all along, even when he’s drawing her out and she endures persecution you can look at this later but she knew where he was. She knew he was in his garden. She knew he wanted her in his garden. She didn’t want to get up out of her bed when he was knocking, but she finally did so he drew her out. She knew where he was and we know that.

He knows where he is and we know that his plan is perfect. We have to believe and trust that our bridegroom loves us, cares for us, has a plan for us. And if this is not going to take him by surprise, none of it. Your moment you’re in right now does not surprise him. Your circumstances do not surprise him. If you can just be still, you will hear him, even it’s like the song. You know, all of a sudden, I’m overwhelmed, and all these afflictions are eclipsed by his glory. That’s where you will be, in the realm of the unspoken, and you’re practicing in circumstances, because times are going to get more difficult. And, yes, the famine, touch not the oil and the wine. I believe there will be famine around the earth. But what did he say? Touch not the oil and the wine. Listen to me, you have a destiny. You have, he’s got a plan for you and your children. No fearing, no fearing.

Okay, all that being said, I’m going to pray for you guys real quick and then I would like, if we have just a few minutes, I would like to answer some questions, if you guys have questions. I know this is a lot. This was deep. I’m barely scraping the surface with the unspoken and that voice of the Lord in that place of the realm of the spirit. If you have questions, I’ll try to answer them, but right now just let me pray for you in the name of Jesus.

I command every spirit of fear, all the terror, all the lies of the enemy to be silent in the name of Jesus. And I speak to your soul right now and I command it to come into alignment with the spirit of God. And I say to your soul your mind, your will and emotions, go where you belong, into the submission of the spirit of the Lord. You will not dictate the times and the seasons. And I say to your spirit come up here and come into full alignment with Christ here. See and know I’m speaking right now. I’m speaking with spiritual ears and eyes are going to be opened.

I command every other voice that is not the voice of the Lord, that is not the voice of your father, to be silent in the name of Jesus, I just speak over you right now, that you’ll begin to bear the fruit of the spirit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self-control and that anxiety would no longer have a hold on you.

I command anxiety to go right now, in Jesus’ name. And I even say this, I even declare this anxiety will not have a hold on the women of this generation any longer, or the generation under us. In the name of Jesus, I command that demon from hell to submit to the blood of the Lamb in Jesus’ name and to leave every single believer right now that is watching in Jesus’ name. Fear, get out. In Jesus’ name, you will not have the first place. The presence of the Lord will have the first place in Jesus’ name. Okay, right now, when you just to proclaim that over yourself, take it and apply the blood to your family, to your children, your children are going to hear the voice of the Lord, your grandchildren are going to hear the voice of the Lord, and I declare over you peace and safety and divine intelligence in Jesus’ name.

0:55:53 – 
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