‘A Billion-Soul Harvest’: The End Times, Media, and Ushering in History’s Greatest Revival!
Could the Lord actually use the internet to aid in the third great awakening?
“At the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:11-12
Jesus is returning, and there will be a massive harvest of souls who will be marked with a groan for Holy justice and the Spirit of burning!
Revivalists of old and of this generation were used by God, creatively, to gather masses of people into stadiums, fields, and auditoriums. John Wesley, Amiee Semple McPherson, Billy Graham, Reinhard Bonnke, and the like lived lifestyles of prayer and fasting.
They were gripped with the desire to see the nations know Jesus and the beauty of encountering Him. Like many of us, they were set on destroying everything impure in their generation- after much intercession, groaning and gripping from the Lord, He used these humble servants to awaken the sleeping church. They brought life to those who were dead in their sin! Most of them took advantage of media outlets and were reluctant at first.
We are walking into a time when prayer, worship, signs, wonders, and miracles are breaking forth into the darkness, dispelling it, and Jesus will shine like the dawn in the darkest of times!
There is a pure and holy move of God invading the earth, and the burning ones are emerging. God will use them to blast the world with His fire and glory. They will not take fame or glory from Him!
These messengers will take the microphone in their hands and extend it to heaven! Their knees bow in humility as the anointing of the Lord sweeps the airwaves!
As much as internet media can be a massive danger to this generation, the Lord is calling forth His uncompromising messengers to catalytically broadcast the gospel and to be the burning bush to lost souls!
The late Bob Jones prophesied in 1983 to Mike BickleThe founder of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City MO
“…people in the rice paddies in China would be watching the singers and musicians… on “unplugged television sets and wristwatches.” He also said that there would be an abortion pill and that the homosexual lifestyle would “come out of the closet” and parade in the streets with full governmental support.” Bob Jones was correct in more ways than one! And now is the time to see massive deliverance and the ending of abortion though the awakening that will take place using the broadcasting of the presence of God through His fiery messengers!
Could God be using technology to mobilize the hidden burning believers and the unsaved alike into stadiums, auditoriums, tents, churches, homes, and the world in our generation?
The Lord would say; “Yes, and even more so now that ever before, for the time is short! Let the voice of the burning ones emerge in the year 2020”
- Could podcasts, videos, albums, books, social media, e-courses, and the like be used to disciple nations as the ‘billion soul harvest’ that Reinhard Bonnke prophesied comes in? We think so!
We are preparing to be a platform to broadcast His glory all over the earth!
FireHouse Media

Watch and connect with Tammie and the Burning Messengers weekly
Key Teachings
Prophetic Messages
Video Podcasts
Live Worship and Prayer Ministry
Permission to Burn LIVE
Two-Volume Live recording mastered and mixed by Nick Rector of Furnace Music. This album captures the sounds of firebrands singing, praying, playing and declaring the word of the Lord! Tammie’s heart in this two-hour spontaneous live worship set was to capture the sound of the Burning Ones bringing their gifts and anointing together in unity as she prophetically proclaimed the Permission to Burn Message!
Burning Messengers 
Available On iTunes, Spotify and wherever you listen to podcasts.
Join Tammie as she puts a trumpet to the mouths of burning messengers like Corey Russel, Nate Johnson, Paul McRae, Amy Lyle, Billy Humphry, Ben Atkinson and more! These messengers are both known and unknown.
You Don’t have to Burn Alone! Get discipled online and in person.

Burning One’s Online
Burning Ones Academy
Online courses: Created to help you move from the simple principles into the more “meaty” lifestyle of a maturing believer. We will learn that living a lifestyle of consecration is amazing and that prayer is enjoyable.
The Burning Ones
- Learn to abide in the secret place of prayer and what that really means.
- To release the prophetic heart of God with purity and accuracy from the place of intimacy with Him.
- Experience hunger for the word and daily to deepen their knowledge of the scriptures.
- Gain a heart to serve and minister to God before they minister to man.
- Fiery love-sick warriors will leave the sessions knowing how to host the presence of God in everyday life.
- And finally, break the addiction to Church-i-anity. Daily pursuit becomes their lifestyle.
- Get involved with in-person internships are available through GateCity House of Prayer, GateCity Global (Missions), and other nation-wide opportunities with our partnering spiritual family.
Contact Tammie Southerland
Burning Messengers
- We are in a Famine for the True Word of God
- A Call to GO and Carry the Fire of Revival To The Nations
- You are A Heavenly Messenger | Divine Intelligence
- Deepening Your Spiritual Journey | Embrace God's Grace
- Jesus is Bridging the Gap between Your Heart and God
- Church Reformation: Embracing a New Vision for the Future
- The Power of Christ's Crucifixion: Unlocking Heaven's Access