About Front Line Ministries & Tammie Southerland


We exist to ignite a generation to burn with passion for Jesus through prophetic worship, prayer, teaching, biblical discipleship, and releasing them to blaze the world with pure Holy Fire. 

Our mission

To be the living example of the Ekklesia (people called out by God. We long to awaken and release ‘Five Fold Ministry’ to flow together in unity from the place of ceaseless prayer. We desire to accomplish this by being founded on the Revelation of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God and beholding Him. We teach we have full access to Him through His blood. We are invited to boldly approach HIs throne of Grace, through His atoning sacrifice on the cross, His resurrection, and the empowering baptism in Holy Spirit and Fire.

We believe the following lifestyle elements are essential to each individual and the corporate Bride of Christ walking our God-given destiny:


Consecration— living a set-apart lifestyle. A life that is willing to turn away from the pleasures of the world to take up the pleasures of the kingdom of God. This lifestyle is chosen out of the desire to be wholly devoted and unwaveringly commitment to growing from glory to glory in Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit. .

Fiery Prophetic Prayer and Worship: The Biblical Church is a house of prayer, and we commit to upholding that standard. It is the beautiful privilege of every believer to burn night and day with the fire of God. The burning heart sets ablaze churches, regions, and nations–and releases authentic revival to the ends of the earth.

A foundation of Fiery Prayer and Worship causes hearts to burn and be….

Marked with Purity, Honor, and Humility — longing to be Holy as He is holy, Honoring those who have pioneered before them and those who are called to be joined with them–and humbly but boldly know their identity as sons and daughters created to release the Heart of The Father into the earth without need for jealousy or competition.

Followed by Signs and Wonders: The release of the supernatural lifestyle of imparting Holy fire is available to all who join themselves to Jesus.  The lifestyle of consecration, longing for intimate prayer and worship, growing in study of the Word, and lives marked with purity, honor and humility open the door for  lives marked by the  naturally supernatural  release of signs and wonders which demonstrate the goodness of GOD and bring Him glory.

Our vision and mission is one of reformation and revival of the current ‘church’ system and is not accomplished through mere specialized programs.  But by being committed to pursue the authentic relationship with one another, the pure presence and heart of God as we love Him and love others we unite our hearts (John 17)– together we manifest HIS heart into the lives of individuals, regions, and ultimately to the very ends of the earth!   

What We Are About:

Through heart-to-heart mentoring, intercessory prayer, prophetic worship, and solid Bible teaching we are raising up a generation and sending them out to be the holy lovers and pure light of Jesus in their generation. We serve and send out those who desire to be on the front lines in the army of the Lord in these last days. These burning ones are a voice crying out in the wilderness, and they would rather die fighting for a revolution of holiness and pure love in their generation than be conformed to the world. These burning ones have been set a ame by passionate love of Jesus and have been marked by His love.

Tammie Southerland

Tammie releases the sound authentic of revival and  messages from heaven as she travels.

Her lifestyle is one of prayer and digging deep into the Word of God, her desire is to releasing the Heart of The Father in these last days. She moves in power ministry and is known for releasing the Matthew 3:11 “baptism of Holy Fire”  as she goes.

As she speaks and prays dormant visions, dreams, and gifts are stirred, joy released, the sick are healed, and spiritually deaf ears and blind eyes are awakened to the burning heart of God!

Daymon is her counterpart and her covering. He is a mighty man of knowledge and a Kingdom Business man, but often a man of few words.

He has a heart of compassion and of justice he is often behind the scenes fanning the flames in Tammie as well as others.

The two are one flesh and they are a family in ministry together!