Forget the Jones’ and Dance!

And He said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven,” Matt. 18:3.
First of all, let me apologize to you if your last name is Jones! I still love you and repent ahead of time for using the lame cliche… Forgive me and please keep reading!!
I’ve always hated the phrase “keeping up with the Jones’”. I have never been so good at it, maybe because I “march to the beat of a different drum”. Often, I hear beats in the music of life that the “Jones’” don’t hear. While the “Jones’” are dancing their popularly choreographed jig, I move to a rhythm that is a lot more intricate at times and often causes me to do a random twirl here and there!
I used to be concerned about this extra spring in my step and thought that I need to be more choreographed like those folks. Perhaps the flow required planning, excelling and picture perfect performance? Now, I see the beauty in what many call spontaneity, but I realize that this is the gift of intently listening for the sound that others are too distracted to hear.
You see, the word hallelujah means to twirl about wildly! I want to live my life as a beautiful hallelujah! I want to live in the freedom and adventure of the discovery of the heart of the Father! I want to dance the dance of liberty! The Lord pours glory, passion, and mystery through one who is willing to twirl about wildly; with her face pressed against His chest as she listens for the very rhythm of His heart. I think that is the “child-like faith” of which Jesus spoke. “Beloved, why do you deny yourself the innocent pleasures of a child?” He might ask to those of us who are trying to dance the dance of “Jonesville” choreography. “My kids know how to dance to the pulse of my heart!” says the Lord. Just watch a three-year-old dance; twirling and spinning, quite possibly with no music playing at all! Children know how to find pleasure in the Father’s heart!
I challenge you today to be the you that He created you to be! Listen to the very rhythm of His heart and dance in sync with His pulse! I pray it will cause you to twirl about wildly and release the very beat of His hallelujah! Forget the Jones’ dance and take His hand and dance the dance of joy! Dance the dance of freedom! Can you hear it? His heart is calling for you!