“In this hour, the Spirit is preparing forerunner ministries all across the earth, who will boldly stand as prophetic messengers declaring, “thus saith the Lord!”. They will prepare the way of the Lord by sounding the alarm on the most urgent issues of our day. Tammie Southerland is clearly one of those brands plucked out of the fires for such a time as this. She is a revivalist and intercessor that God is raising up with a very unique regional assignment to strengthen and unite the body of Christ through day and night prayer. Ask the Lord how can you partner with Tammie, she is definitely a gift to the body of Christ in this hour!”
– Darrian Summerville, (Lead Pastor of City Servants and Moravian Watch Prayer Coordinator)
I am so thankful to have met Tammie and Daymon Southerland. They are a beautiful family who has a unique calling to set this generation on fire with the love of Jesus. Tammie’s passion for God and to see revival is remarkable. Like Jesus, she is “consumed with zeal” to see God’s house restored. Their ministry efforts through Fire on the Alter have done much to awaken the sleeping church and connect different worship teams throughout the Carolinas. In addition to being called to birth revivals, Tammie is also a dedicated mother and wife. Its great to see how she along with her husband Damon, carry their children with them everywhere they go. They truly are a family of revivalist.
Pastor Michael Thornton
Co-Founder/Director of Ignite Ministries; Author of Fire in the Carolinas
“Tammie Southerland is a match looking for fuel in a
lost and jaded generation. If you get too close,
beware, you may just start to burn.”Dean Briggs
Author of Ekklesia Rising
Coauthor of: The Jesus Fast with Lou Engle
Tammie Southerland has been anointed by God to
ignite a fire in the hearts of many for pure and simple-
hearted devotion to Jesus. Her ministry will stir hunger
and holy desire inside your soul for more of Jesus and
the Word of God. Tammie is a firebrand, and is calling an army of consecrated
messengers forth in these last days. There is more!
Jeremiah Johnson
Founder of Heart of the Father Ministries
Author of: The Power of Consecration and Cleansing and Igniting the PropheticRomans 12:11 says, “Never be lacking in zeal, but
keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” In my
ministry experiences with Tammie Southerland, I
have seen that she is a woman who overflows with
passion for the Lord. She has exemplified this spiritual
fervor, this burning life of zeal for Jesus. If you want to
burn with passion and hunger for Jesus, then let this
book fan the flames of your heart!Matthew Lilley
National Director at Burn 24-7 USA
In every generation, God raises up faithful
messengers who compel the church to cling hard and
live abandoned to the fullness of His divine love. With
Permission to Burn, Tammie Southerland emerges
with a timely exhortation in the lineage and
supernatural grace of those who have embraced the
crucible of divine preparation amidst the fellowship of
the burning ones. Her voice is nuanced with the
prophetic, the personal, and the very practical;
making this book a critical resource for both mature
Christians and brand-new believers.Jonathan Tremaine Thomas
Founder of Civil Righteousness, Inc.