“God has given us an invitation to invade the historic city of Goldsboro, N.C. which, at one time, was known as the largest Holiness center in America. He has given us a mandate to “break down walls, while breaking-open ancient wells of revival” by establishing youth led worship + intercession + solemn assembli…es + preaching + testimonies + outreaches etc. under the same tent that was Triton High School!
The Lord is stirring our hearts to go 24/7 for 7 days under the tent in the downtown portions of the city believing the presence of God & the Holiness of God is going to explode and break down every wall of division, break open old revival wells, and set the entire city on fire with the flames of God’s love!
Therefore, we are blowing the trumpet and inviting all young adults, worship teams, intercessors, pastors, and other key leaders all over the Carolinas to come and take part in this historic gathering that we believe is going to turn the heart of the city back to the Lord! We highly encourage you to bring shofars, flags & banners of worship, prophetic art, and any other expressive forms of worship. Our goal is to break down walls of division while breaking-opening ancient wells or Revival and bring Heaven to Goldsboro!”- Mike Thornton Ignite Ministries